Saturday, January 13, 2007

Getting Maximum Revenue From Google AdSense

Google has enjoyed a reputation as one of the most popular search engine in the entire World Wide Web. Every time Google makes a change or every time it launches a new program, webmasters are adamant to know it. I bet you know what the Google Adsense program has in store for you as a webmaster or website owner. For the few who have just raised their brows out of innocence – or ignorance perhaps, read on and find more about Google Adsense.

How To Get Maximum Revenue From Google Adsense

What makes Google Adsense so popular among web marketers and webmasters is the fact that Google Adsense program yields immediate positive results compared to 2nd tier affiliate programs. It allows webmasters and online internet marketers to gain the highest possible revenue from ads and links. How do you exactly maximize the revenue you get from your Google Adsense ads or links?

Here are 5 tips to help you maximize the revenue generation of Google Adsense:

• In utilizing the Google Adsense program, take note that vertical scrapers yield a higher rate of positive result. But just to give you the benefit of the doubt, you can do A/B testing to see for yourself what is best to utilize.

• Google Adsense allows webmasters to customize their Google Adsense ads. Because of this, you can actually customize the links, borders and color themes of your ads. One tip is that borderless Adsense web banners produce more. Just use creativity and of course, common sense.

• Use keywords in the content. But don’t overdo it. Remember that Google is smarter than you think and overdoing keywords may trigger a red flag from it. And another thing to remember is to include only the most relevant keywords, otherwise; they will be of no use.

• If you want to have the most specific and credible monitoring results of your Google Adsense revenue, you should avoid clicking your own Google Adsense ad or link. In doing so, you are given the most appropriate method of monitoring the revenue generation.

• If you want to monitor the results of your Adsense ad or link from the various sub-sections of the website, you should create an Adsense channel. The Adsense channel will show you how well your ads or links are doing. They can also tell you what factors you need to improve in your Google Adsense ad.

Google Adsense has certainly its own benefits in terms of web marketing or internet marketing and revenue generation. It is all in the Google Adsense techniques that you use. Geared with the right Google Adsense tactics, you can be sure of a successful use of Google Adsense.

Reading The Signs of The Times

Several decades ago, Mohandas K. Gandhi warned against what he called the seven social sins: politics without principle, wealth without work, commerce without morality, pleasure without conscience, education without character, science without humanity, and worship without sacrifice.

Gandhi's social sins point to the crucial relationship between our ethics and our public life. That relationship has proven in the 21st Century to be the main subject in scholarly debates and the primary focus of constant questioning regarding the future course of human interaction, in relation to the latest technological advancements. In the vast global marketplace, people have to redefine themselves according to their needs and classify their wants/desires along a streamline of corporate offers. Incorporating ethos, dignity and self-awareness in this new technological era has become more than a challenge for today's consumers. At the same time, corporate actors begin to steadily realize that their survival depends heavily on recognizing this battlefield and to act proactively so as to come up with innovative flexible channels to service their targets. Redefining these new competent and knowledge markets has become for firms a must that needs to be carefully planned before attempting to indulge consumer minds.

According to the business strategists, market analysis requires a thorough understanding of the organization's own capabilities, the capabilities of current and future competitors, the consumption patterns of potential customers, and the economic, physical, and technological environment in which these elements will interact. Having in mind that the organization's objective is to provide superior customer value, the firm must know how consumers determine value, its own and its competitors' capabilities with respect to customer value creation, and the relevant economic, physical, regulatory, and technological environments. Firms have to know all the elements before attempting to target any market.

But defining a market is not a definite and unchangeable decision. As an example, the Coca-Cola Company marketers initially viewed the U.S. cola soft drink market as homogeneous, thus offered one flavor and communicated one message. Today, Coca-Cola has changed its view of the market it wishes to target and has expanded its product line to include new flavors, with varying caffeine and sugar content, while it uses different communication strategies for each market segment. But even if it is easy to comprehend how production or consumption patterns have changed over the years due to market dynamics, how have the distribution channels been affected? How have markets altered the circulation models used by firms to reach them?

In today's information-based global economy of interconnected networks, sellers have to come up with innovative ideas, simplify the processes and increase consumption patterns. The amazing outcome of the Internet as a distribution channel was its enormous diffusion from the old traditional markets to the new adaptive areas, as a necessary technological advancement, and received as manna from heaven. Today, rural on-line markers are capable of defining their virtual environment and differentiate between corporations' offers. But judging from the psychological drawbacks, along with issues on safety and privacy, the new challenges that the multipurpose distribution channels face have to be addressed soon so as to better serve the global market.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Satellite Internet Providers

The infrastructure required for satellite Internet is a large number of hub dishes and other standard equipment, such as routers for Internet connection. Besides these, satellite connection and bandwidth have to be taken on lease. This makes the cost of satellite Internet provision huge.

According to a survey, there were thirty-five million broadband users in 2004, out of which less than one million users have broadband connections other than cable and DSL. This means that the satellite Internet technology users are fewer in number, and there are severe hurdles in the adoption of the technology, such as natural weather patterns, inadequate technology to correct latency, and the slowness in uploading. These factors explain the fewer number of players in this market.

The satellite Internet industry in the U.S. market is characterized by the presence of eight or nine major players. Besides them, there are many small players and a number of resellers. The providers have presence over entire North or South America or over parts of North or South America, depending upon the leased satellite’s position. The range of solutions include web surfing, shared capacity for two-way access, and ftp-file transfers. The customers include residences, SOHO, small and medium enterprises, large enterprises, government offices, and vessels at sea.

The type of solutions include voice over IP, Virtual Private Networks and mobile Internet. The providers have to get licenses for linking to the satellite and the customers don’t have to. Each provider has different set of plans and features. A typical installation cost may be in the range of $3,000 to $5,000, and the monthly rental charges may be $50 to $80, which explains the reason for less proliferation of this technology.

The providers allow for five fifty-networked workstations per dish and a similar number of email accounts. The installation of these systems may take five to ten business days, and it requires a thorough discussion with the sales engineer of the provider before deciding on the system. Most of the providers have an online presence or they can be found by referrals.

How to Choose the Right Webcam Surveillance Software?

Many people want to have some kind of spy equipment for better home security. However, besides wireless spy cameras, VCR or DVR systems, there is also special software used to control those surveillance gadgets.

Large companies use professional security systems along with already built in (embedded digital video recorder or PC based DVR soft) spy camera control software. But what about smaller guys? Do you also have to spend thousands of dollars for professional spy security system and software to feel safe and secure in your house? And the answer is not necessarily.

Webcam for Spying Purposes

You have the ability to use your webcam (connected to your PC) as a surveillance tool. And to control it, all you need is inexpensive webcam surveillance software. As a matter of fact, such software allows you to connect more than one camera. It can display as much as 16 webcam views on your computer screen.

Moreover, webcam surveillance software even allows you to detect motion and start capturing an event within milliseconds. This means that you don’t have to keep your webcam surveillance software turned on all the time in order to secure the area. By using motion detection webcams, you can also save your computer’s HDD (hard drive) space.

You know, video takes a lot of hard drive space. Non stop recording for 24 hours can cost you 1GB of HDD space a day. Well, it depends on the chosen image quality. Lower quality images will require less bandwidth. Also, if you set lower FPS (frames per second), then you’ll save even more HDD space.

But if you have a large HDD (like 160GB or more), then there’s nothing to worry about.

What to Look for in Webcam Surveillance Software?

Before you decide to order webcam surveillance software, there are a couple of things to consider. Let’s take a look at some of the features of webcam software that you should seriously consider, ok.

* Audio Capturing – Does your webcam surveillance software have audio capturing option? If not, then you should consider that carefully. If you want to record a conversation, it’s crucial.

* Compressed Files – Does your webcam software compress video files? If not, then the space of your HDD might fill up quickly. Try to search for software that compresses the video without losing its quality.

* Remote Access – This is very important. If you leave your webcam to record the area, you should have the ability to access your webcam’s view via internet connection. This is very neat function that is absolutely must in webcam software.

* Motion Detection – We’ve already mentioned that. Motion detection is also extremely important. You don’t want to record the area when nothing’s going on, right. So make sure that motion sensing is enabled in your software.

* Alert Options – Does the webcam surveillance software have an alert option? Some webcam software alert when they detect something. They can alert via email or even dial a phone number. You should seek for this feature, because it’s very neat.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Free Pop Up Blockers

A number of different pop-up blocking software is available from many sources. While some cost money, others are free. Search engine companies like Google, Yahoo, and MSN offer free pop-up blocking software that can be easily downloaded and installed. These companies also release updated version from time to time, primarily to keep pace with the advancement of innovative pop-up intrusions.

Of all the free pop-up blocking software available and tested by experts, Google software was considered the best. Others that received high scores were the 12Ghosts Pop-up-Killer and 12Ghosts StopMessengerAds. Shareware software such as STOPzilla! and ABF Internet Explorer Tools were highly rated, as well. Applications such as Microsoft’s XP Service Pack Two (SP2) also have some pop-up blocking features.

Free pop-up blocking software can also enable the user to choose what kinds of pop-ups are blocked. The user will still be able to view “good” pop-ups. For this function, users usually need to do one of three things. First, they could adjust the pop-up blocking software to accept pop-ups on selected Web sites. Second, they could manually disable pop-up blocking from the toolbar to view the “good” pop-ups. Third, they can uninstall the pop-up blocking software to view the “good” pop-ups and re-install it when finished.

In a situation where online advertising evolves faster than one’s imagination, pop-up software is being updated very frequently to be able to counter these invasive pop-up displays. Free pop-up blocking software is always struggling to keep up with this advertising onslaught for one simple reason: if they can’t keep up with users’ rapidly changing needs, they will be out of the race.

Benefits of Tableless Web Sites

Let's begin with the benefits of a tableless layout. These are only in the order that I feel they should go in, some things are more important to other people, so rank them as you will.

Forces You To Write Well-Formed Code

You cannot have a properly made tableless layout, and use improper and non-standard code. Well, let me correct that - you can (technically you can do it) but it defeats the whole purpose. When you are creating a tableless design, you should be using standards compliant code. I think that anything that makes you get into the habit of always writing clean code is a good thing.

Faster Loading Time

This is absolutely a benefit of a tableless layout, and for several reasons. First, on a fundamental level - tables load slowly. For the most part, unless you set the height and width of your table elements, all the text has to be loaded and rendered BEFORE the table sizes itself to the page. Of course, this is what so many people loved about tables isn't it? The fact that they were so easily sizeable. The downside is how much more time they take to load. Okay, so the solution to that loading time is to set all the values explicitly, right? So now we see another downside. Code clutter that increases loading time. First of all, just by themselves, tables take allot of code. How many td open and close tags does your average table based layout have? Tons. Having to set all the values explicitly only adds to the page size and loading time.

Easier to Read Code

If you are using standard code, semantic document conventions, and a tableless layout, your code can be so clean that it looks practically like just regular text with a few extra symbols. That is a great benefit because it not only makes it easier for you to update, but it makes it easier for a non-technical user to make small alterations to. Additionally, if you work as a web developer in a more freelance capacity, it is common for there to be a full-time web developer who has to maintain that site. Clean and simple to read code makes that an easy transition. We like it when people leave us easy to understand code, right? Let's return the favor.

Print Alternate Views

When you create a page using a table-layout, you are rather unfortunately locked into a certain layout. Developers who have created table-based websites, as most of us have at some point - particularly if you were in the the industry before the big tableless movement, know that you often have to create a separate printable version of your pages. This can be, needless to say, quite tiresome. Ease of printing style control is a huge benefit with a tableless layout. You can easily create a single new printing style that applies to all your pages, instead of making them individually. That alone is a huge time saver, but there is more. While you can control all elements with this approach, the biggest key is organization of information within the page itself. Using the example, let's assume that the display order we want all our pages to print using the following order: The page header first, the content next, the special news after that, then the link list, and then the footer. However! We still want it to display as it would normally when viewing (meaning the header at the top, the links on the left, content in the middle, news on the right, and footer at the bottom). With a table-based layout, you would have to create a new page to do that special printing organization because the print style will read your columns left to right. With a table-less layout, you are not bound by this. You can order the content in your page however you like, and still control the way it looks... all by using the CSS only! Additionally, because we can put the content in whatever order we want in the HTML, and then move the content blocks around for website viewing using CSS - we can have ultimate control over presentation.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Japanese In Web Development

The Japanese in Web development have mastered the art of delivering web designs appropriate to the target audience not needing numerous design changes. The Creative Methodology takes into account the feasibility of a design from business and technology standpoints, while maintaining the high-impact branded image you desire. With the Production Department's extensive expertise, your final solution is always in conformity with the original creative and strategy concept.

For customization and scalability, out-of-the-box solutions hardly address your image and technical needs. The Japanese web developers work with you to build customized applications that achieve your specific goals and are inter-operable with your existing applications. Their seasoned, cross-functional team is capable of working with any combination of operating environments (Windows or UNIX), server/client-side scripting languages and database management systems. Irrespective of your industry focus, the Japanese in web development can create the applications suitable for your target audience.

To make the most of your investment in web, it is important to drive and convert site traffic. With options galore to promote your site - from search engine placements and email marketing to affiliate programs and viral marketing, it is definitely difficult to choose the right one.

The Japanese in web development help you select the tools for maximum benefit. This is done by analyzing company-specific marketing objectives-if the goal is to build brand recognition, awareness or loyalty. The Japanese web developers break through the clutter and offer creative solutions to attract and maintain your target audience.

The Japanese in web development specialize in conducting rich-media; viral marketing campaigns which include tools designed for generating a "buzz" around your company's brand and get your business community to take notice of your offerings. They continue to support your requirements even after the brand is built and loyal customer following through our follow-up campaigns and email marketing.

The Japanese in web development help make your marketing more effective by assisting in identifying problem areas in business marketing by recommending appropriate courses of action through the power of internet. The specific needs and goals are identified by one or more of the categories: Building brand awareness, Creating/improving revenue streams, Boosting internal efficiencies, Cost reduction. This is followed by a rigorous analysis of your existing technology infrastructure and business model, setting success metrics, and defining your target audience. They will formulate a plan of action based on your company's implementation schedule, resources and budgetary concerns.

Improve Your Websites With Few Steps

Websites that make their customers work to read them are not the best way to get business. Miniscule fonts, text in colors that make it hard to see against the background color, and lines that are piled on top of each other are problems, but they're easy to correct. Let's jump right in and look at five easy fixes:

1. Format your text using CSS.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are the way to go - use one style sheet and control how text looks on your entire site. Make a change to the style sheet and your whole site is updated. It makes life a lot simpler.

2. Make the font size big enough to read.

Consider your target audience. Even if they are a group of teenage girls looking for new shoes, it's never a good idea to use tiny type. It doesn't have to be enormous, but up to a point, larger type is better. 12-pt Verdana is better than 8-pt Verdana.

3. Make the text contrast with its background.

The more contrast, the better. Black-on-white or white-on-black are examples of the highest contrast you can get. Use colors if you like, but if you squint at the page and your text basically vanishes, there's not enough contrast.

4. Give the lines room to breathe.

Don't stack lines on top of each other. Use the line-spacing directive in CSS and give it some space; I'll often set line-spacing to 140% of the height of a typical line.

5. Break text up into chunks.

No matter how good a writer you are, people don't want to read endless pages of text. Break it up by using headlines that reflect the subject of the paragraph(s) to follow so people can scan down to the parts that really interest them, or use bulleted lists to change the pace of the writing and slow down the scanning.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

How to Publish Google Calendar and Sub-Calendars to Your Website

Google calendar is slick. I love this thing. I have overlayed 4 sub-calendars and now I can see them all in one place. The sub-calendars retain their individuality because they are color coded. If you want a super cheap, as in free, calendar for your business, church, or other group then this is a great solution. But, when Google calendar initially came out, there was no built-in way to publish your calendar to HTML. That was a real bummer. You usually create these types of calendars to share them with others.

Since that time, Google has made HTML versions of calendars available. That has been great. To get an HTML version of your calendar, go to "Manage Calendars" and then click on your calendar name, you will now find an HTML button to publish your calendar. Now, click on the "configuration tool" to get the HTML to copy to your webpage. The easiest solution to get this onto your web site is to make a link. Simply copy the HTML that Google provided and copy it into a link.

Just remember that you have made your calendar publicly available. If you don't want others to see it, you should not do it this way. People can find calendars by searching on Google calendar for publicly available calendars. Now, having said that, you can add other cool features to your calendar. Search for calendars that relate to your calendar topic area. You will be amazed at what is out there. For instance, let's say you have a Nascar site. You would love an easy way to display a Nascar Craftsman Truck schedule. Do a search on Nascar for public calendars. Voila, it's already been made publicly available. All you have to do is add it to your website. How nice is that?

Selecting a Website Designer, 15 Point Help!

Whether you're building a site from scratch or updating your existing site, you've got a few options. Your goals for the site determine the options you should go with, so make sure you've got those nailed down first. Ask yourself: What does your company want to achieve with a website?

1. Will you use the site to dispense information?

2. Do you merely want a Internet presence so customers can find you online?

3. What sections do you want in your site? (e.g. About your company, company history, product pages, executive bios)

4. Will you need to develop any special tools for users to interact with your site?

5. Do you already have a logo that your site designer must incorporate in their design?

6. About how many pages are you looking to have designed?

7. Are they capable of adding any back-end functions (like blogs, shopping carts, galleries, etc.) to your design? 8. Are they willing to work around components you've already had designed by someone else?

9. If you don't have a company logo designed already, are they capable of designing one?

10. What type of search engine optimization do they offer ? 11. Ask how long they have been in the business and who their current clients are. This would also be a good time to get some references.

12. Have they won any Web design awards? Which ones? (It's a nice sign if they have, but don't be surprized if they haven't. There are only so many Web design awards to go around.)

13. If they cannot finish the project by the agreed-upon date, will they charge extra fees to finish it? Your contract should say so.

14. Will they be taking on other projects while working on yours? If your project is complicated, you don't want someone who may be overextending.

15. A website professional's own home page will give you enough insight to save you the time and cost of searching around too much. Their site should tell you where they are located and exactly what type of services they provide.

Look at their past work. Have they worked on websites that resemble the site you have in mind for your company? Do they have adequate samples shown?

Communicate fully. How do they charge for their services? By the hour? Flat fees? By the project? Get a resonable estimate for how long it will take to complete the project, and at what cost. Include the agreed-upon dates in your contract and provisions for what will happen if these dates are not met.

Make sure you can review the progress of their work at reasonable intervals as the site is being designed and built. Can you see the progress on a test site?

Are your goals in line? Do each of you seek the same ideal? Confirm that they understand your business objectives and your customer base - don't be afraid to ask important questions. If they dismiss any question as insignificant to the design of your site, find another designer. A good web professional will either come into the interview with a good sense of what your business is about, or will at least be eager to adapt to your instructions. Understand the process of when you don't agree on something.

Choosing the best webpage designer that is right for you should not be a confusing chore; you should not have to work too hard to find that perfect fit for your project.

Designing your site can be as simple - or as complex - as your imagination and budget allows. Go ahead. Look around, check out your competition, use a couple of search engines (like google, msn or yahoo) to find the perfect website designer for you.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Organic SEO or Pay-Per-Click which is better?

Search Engine Traffic vs. Paid Traffic

Webmasters constantly argue over which is better – search engine traffic or paid traffic (pay per click campaigns). Their argument usually isn’t a matter of which costs more, but both of these can be expensive. And since cost vs. profit is always the bottom line for business owners, we’ll address it first in this article.

Search Engine Traffic Cost Some people rush into key word campaigns thinking that the natural search engine traffic is cheaper than running paid traffic campaigns. This usually isn’t the case. Search engine traffic can get VERY expensive, if you’re trying to keep up with the latest SEO trends. The search engines are under constant revision, and it takes time to stay ahead of them. For most people, time is money. So you’re either constantly neglecting something else, or you’re paying a webmasters for their time.

Either way, search engine traffic definitely isn’t free. Even if you have the time to waste, you also need a few other things to really bring in the search engine traffic. You need a basic knowledge of HTML and how to use it. You also need content. If you can’t write, you have to pay someone else to do it for you. Finally, you need web space and bandwidth.

You can pay for traffic to go to a single page, but to get search engine traffic, you’ll need lots of pages and lots of links, all funneling to your main sales page. Search Engine Traffic Quality We’re not just discussing the cost of search engine traffic, but also the conversion rate.

‘Free’ search engine traffic isn’t always the best way to get people to buy. Pay per click advertising allows you to target specific geographical areas and languages. You don’t always decide where search engine traffic comes from. It could come from your own city or from halfway around the world. Search engines also have a waiting period before changes go into effect. And it’s different for each search engine.

So if you decide that one key-phrase isn’t drawing the right traffic, and decide to work on another one, Google might not list the changes for months. But with paid traffic, your changes take place immediately. No waiting period to try a new campaign. No reason to change all the content on your site because the traffic isn’t converting.

Search Engine Traffic Time and Control

All of this leads to control. You’ll never have as much control with search engine traffic as paid traffic. Search engines decide who they will list and where…and they certainly don’t publish the formula they use to decide who’s ahead of who. Even if you’re making educated guesses, they’re still guesses. Pay per click campaigns offer control over the keywords and phrases, placement, and cost per day. They also track your conversions so you know which key phrases are working, and which ones aren’t.

So Which is Better?

This largely depends on the website you’re promoting. How much competition is there, how long do you plan to promote the website, and how much control do you need? Pay per click campaigns are great for short term promotions and the beginning of long term promotions. But you should try to gain search engine traffic as well. Divide your efforts according to your needs. Just don’t make the automatic assumption that search engine traffic is cheaper.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Tips to build an attractive search engine friendly website

A good Website is something related to user experience. This experience is the "effect" (the wow factor) your site has on visitors, and good effect means something, which becomes memorable in the visitor's mind. To make it memorable we require good content, graphics and user-friendly navigation.

A Website experience is great when it is useful, desirable and impact. So here are some points for consideration before designing Website

Goal and target - Goal of the Website (site's purpose) and who is the target audience?

Context - Layout, design (user-friendly layout) and color schemes.

Content - Text, pictures, sound, and video (must be useful information which achieves goals and interest to your audience).

Community - How can the site enable user-to-user communication ?

Customization - Site's ability to tailor itself to different users to allow users to personalize the site.

Communication - How the site talks to the visitor, site to user or two-way communications.

Connection - Degree that the site is linked to other sites.

Commerce - Site's capabilities for commercial transactions.

-Your domain should be your company name.

-Make a consistence in design. Changing interfaces is a potential barrier which should be avoided.

-Make the content on your first page rich and explanatory.

-Make your title clear. Clear title makes task clear.

-Show the users what's new with the site and company.

-Use focus and emphasis on the main product.

-Proper use of images (meaningful and clean images).

-Downloadable speed (pages load quickly and provide something to read almost instantly).

-Pages are easy to navigate so that you can find what you want and most importantly, the content is useful and worthwhile.

-Good interactivity engages the user and makes your site memorable.

-Easy to find information.

-Provide valuable, timely information to the user.

-Provide keywords for search engines (search engine optimization).

-Provide a search option within the site.

-Contact information should be easy to find and preferably visible on all pages.

-Updates should be made regularly to give users a reason to return to your site.

-Proper programming with no broken links.

-Provides copyright information.

-A good Website needs to be able to be viewed in whatever browser or service the customer is using, so cross-browser and platform compatibility together with accessibility features for the disabled are a must.

It is good to get websites designed by professional website designers. A good web design company will be help you design a search engine friendly website. And also take care of search engine optimization too.

Common reasons for disapproval of a directory submission

There is no 100% perfect ways to get at the top of the search engine results. But there are many things you can do to rank high in search engine result. One of them is using one way links. Submitting your site to web directories you can receive a bunch of one way links and good rankings in the search engines.

Submissions to directories do not guarantee that your site will be listed. Editors have their own policy to add or reject sites. Asking various directory editors, I have compiled some common reasons why editors reject sites to list into their directories. Like:-

* Site does not fit into the directory’s topic.
* Having invalid description
* Having under construction or incomplete section
* Site contains broken links or broken pictures.
* Not in directory supported language
* Takes forever to load.
* Overrun with advertisements.
* Every page of site opens in a new window.
* Confusing, can’t even tell what they are selling.
* Contains something that search engines frown on as hidden text.
* Member’s only” so cannot be properly reviewed.-
* Excessive ads and pop ups.
* Broken links in the sites, pornographic photos and language
* Affiliate sites with no physical addresses contact information listed on their sites.
* Sites that redirect to another site.
* Ad sense scrapper sites.
* Same titles and description as previous submitted site.

These are just a list of reasons for what webmasters reject a submission. But almost every directory has its own editorial policy. So before submission, read the submissions guidelines.