Sunday, January 07, 2007

Common reasons for disapproval of a directory submission

There is no 100% perfect ways to get at the top of the search engine results. But there are many things you can do to rank high in search engine result. One of them is using one way links. Submitting your site to web directories you can receive a bunch of one way links and good rankings in the search engines.

Submissions to directories do not guarantee that your site will be listed. Editors have their own policy to add or reject sites. Asking various directory editors, I have compiled some common reasons why editors reject sites to list into their directories. Like:-

* Site does not fit into the directory’s topic.
* Having invalid description
* Having under construction or incomplete section
* Site contains broken links or broken pictures.
* Not in directory supported language
* Takes forever to load.
* Overrun with advertisements.
* Every page of site opens in a new window.
* Confusing, can’t even tell what they are selling.
* Contains something that search engines frown on as hidden text.
* Member’s only” so cannot be properly reviewed.-
* Excessive ads and pop ups.
* Broken links in the sites, pornographic photos and language
* Affiliate sites with no physical addresses contact information listed on their sites.
* Sites that redirect to another site.
* Ad sense scrapper sites.
* Same titles and description as previous submitted site.

These are just a list of reasons for what webmasters reject a submission. But almost every directory has its own editorial policy. So before submission, read the submissions guidelines.