Saturday, December 09, 2006

Adobe Reader New, Improved, and Better than Ever

By now, everybody and their dog has heard of Adobe reader. The purpose of this article is to tell you about the newest version of Abobe Reader and some of the updated features.

First of all, Adobe Reader is a software system that allows you to read ebooks loaded onto the Adobe Reader format. We all know that. It's free software and lets you view and print Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files on all major computer platforms, as well as fills in and submits Adobe PDF forms online.

A lot of us have the 6.0 version, but 7.0 is now available. You can download the newest version of Adobe Reader quickly and easily by going to and clicking on the Abobe Reader download.

Some of the cool Features of Adobe Reader are the Portable Document Format (PDF). Adobe PDF files are compact and can be shared, viewed, navigated, and printed exactly as intended by anyone. Adobe PDF is a universal file format that preserves all the fonts, formatting, graphics, and color of any source document, regardless of the application and platform used to create it.

Adobe PDF files can be published and distributed anywhere: in print, attached to e-mail, on corporate servers, posted on Web sites, or on CD-ROM. Adobe PDF titles are printable (unless printing is disabled by the publisher).

One more thing. If you are too tired and don't feel like reading, that's okay. With the 7.0 version, it will read to you. All you have to do is, open your PDF file. Click view, then click Read out Loud. Select This Page Only, or Read to End of Document. That's it. Could it be any easier?

Note: Any books you download, usually have a copyright and can't be changed or altered in anyway. If ebooks allow changes, you will need PDF software to make changes. Be sure to check for any copyright restrictions.

Even though Adobe Reader is well known, here is some information you'll need to know.

Adobe Reader ebooks can only be read with Adobe Reader software. You can read Adobe Reader on Windows PC, Macintosh, and Palm PDAs

Not all Adobe Reader ebooks are printable. Printing capability is up to each publisher and some choose to disable printing. In my experiences, printing has not been a problem, but I can't guarantee it won't be in all cases.

You can read the Adobe Reader titles from on your Palm PDAs, but not on Pocket PCs

Again, Adobe Reader eBook format is a very good System because; it can be read on any computer, including Windows, Macs, and Linux. Adobe Reader eBooks are best for reading on your computer. They offer a book-like layout that's great on-screen. Definitely better than any other format out there.

Writing Search Optimized Web Pages

One of the most common inquiries and frequently asked questions I receive regarding writing effective internet web pages is about the optimization requirements. Uniquely, web pages require careful forethought and "design with a purpose".

Not only do the pages have to sell the product to internet visitors, they also have to be structured in a way that allows the site to be "search engine friendly" and "optimized" to take full advantage of natural search traffic.

Having "search engine friendly" web pages increases your potential to move up in natural search traffic rankings. The higher a web site moves up in the search engines the more traffic is driven to a specific site. In the long run, this translates into "free" web traffic for your site, versus a life-time of paid advertising and pay-per-click traffic.

What then are the common elements needed that web owners must carefully incorporate into their respective pages? The following are the basic elements:

The first and most obvious place to start is to ensure the "Title Tag" contains your most important keyword phrase(s). Ideally, 1-3 keywords should be used. Beyond this number, the density ratio of the overall page becomes diluted.

Also, do not put the name of your business in the Title Tag. This is one of the single most common mistakes online marketers make.

The focus of the search engines is on the keyword(s) and the products users are searching for. Unless your company is one of the Fortune 500 firms, users most likely will be searching for the product or service you are selling, not the name of the company.

The "Description Tag" gives users a brief descriptive overview of what your site or a particular page is about and why users should visit. If you have ever noticed, the first portion of your description tag (approximately 158 characters) is displayed in the search engine results when a user executes a search query.

For web site owners, it is a great opportunity to be brief, to the point, and help users quickly find out if your site has what they are looking for. Therefore, you will not waste either their time or yours.

The "Headings and Subheadings Tags" should be used sparingly within your web text to highlight important sections or topic areas within the page. Within the text a "H1" heading tag should be used at the top or heading of the web page.

And do not forget the use of "H2" or second level heading tags used in the body of the page. Ideally, you should use the heading tags surrounding your keyword text as headings within the page.

The "Body Tag" text is the primary reading material of the web page. The text used should match the overall tone, marketing message, and theme of the product. Keywords used in the body of the web page should never be forced or blatantly repeated, just for the sake of increasing the use of the keywords. They should have a natural flow with the content and context of the other text on the page.

Friday, December 08, 2006

The Shrek Model of Web Design

Here is a web design theory : websites are like onions, you see, since websites have layers. And ogres are like onions, since ogres have layers. Websites are designed by web designers. Ergo - web designers are like ogres.

So, let's explore why web designers are like ogres.

Firstly, let's see why we say that websites are like onions, with layers, in the first place - since this is the whole raison d'etre of my argument.

~Websites have an outer layer~
This is the graphical look and feel of the site. This is normally what most people think of when they refer to 'web design'. In order to create this your common, or garden, web design ogre needs to have an artist's eye and a designer's skill with tools such as Photoshop or Fireworks. The graphical web designer needs to have insight into the latest web design styles, He needs to be able to wield shades and shadows and meld them into Web 2.0 flavored onion soup. Preferably soup not made with eyeballs.

~The second layer of a website is the structure~
The structure could be determined through some method such as functional decomposition, where the web designer might start with the main function (home page) and break the site into manageable sub sections so that he ends up with a clear idea of the scope of the site as well as the internal structure. So here your web designer needs to have some knowledge of basic Software Engineering principles. But even more than that, once the main functions of the site have been designed, the functions need to be married to the graphical design in such a way that the system is usable. A knowledge of the principles of good web design and usability (ala Nielson -, and a familiarity with the site to learn how to avoid making mistakes such as 'mystery meat navigation', is essential.

~The third layer of a website is the dynamic and interactive elements~
Frontpage and Photoshop can only bring you so far. Your web design ogre might find that he simply has to go and kill a couple of nerdy programmers to steal their reference manuals: PHP and MySQL for Dynamic websites, AJAX and PHP - Building responsive Web Applications. And he'd better know that Ruby on Rails is not a gem on a train track.

~Then we get to the content~
The website needs to be filled with good, quality content. Sometimes you are lucky and your client gives you good content. Other times, you'd better start rewriting the techno-speak and corporate waffle and ask your client gently if he can state five benefits of their services. So, a good knowledge of copywriting and a command over the English language will not come in amiss.

So, we have the layers that make a website. The core, though, is the marketing strategy.

~Marketing Strategy~
We all know that it is NOT just a case of 'build it and they will come'. The website needs to be marketed and it can only be marketed if the underlying SEO principles have been kept in mind right from the start - in other words, links are easily followed by humans as well as search engines, all pages have meaningful titles, keywords are gently worked into the content of the pages. Apart from that, someone needs to take the marketing budget allocated to the website (all websites have a marketing budget, right?) and use that marketing budget to get the best ROI for the site - decide on the best Internet Marketing strategies for building links and traffic and then go forth and execute (the strategy, that is).

Now, my question is: Is it fair to expect one person to have all these skills?

Years ago when I studied 'Computer Science' there was basically one job title to aspire for and that was 'Systems Analyst'. If you worked for a really big corporate they might have distinguished between System Analyst and Programmer. (And there was also a career called 'Punch Operator', which strangely enough, has disappeared since today we all are supposed to do our own punching...) And yes, I suppose the 'System Analyst' of that time was supposed to do everything - analyze, build, test, deliver and support the system.

But... tempers fuggit.... 'That was then, this is now.'

Today, there are myriad career paths available for the aspiring math's whiz-kid who sits down for an aptitude test. Anything from Business Analyst to Test Manager to Network Administrator to IT Technician....

And BTW, if you are a COBOL programmer, you are a COBOL programmer. You know COBOL; that is what you do. Nobody would expect you to sort out the DNS entries for the company intranet server.

But the same specialization doesn't seem to have filtered through to the web design arena. I saw a job description just today for a 'web developer' who is supposed to have the following skills: Photoshop, Fireworks, Flash, Swish, .net, C#, MSAccess, SQL design experience, ASP, VB, .net, HTML, DHTML, ASP, XML, CSS, Java script and VB script. And this poor sod is supposed to also maintain networks and troubleshoot Windows servers. And wait for it - this paragon of a web design ogre will be paid what practically constitutes a minimum wage in the IT world. And this is in the corporate world, where they should really know better and where they can actually afford to appoint specialists.

If you are a web design freelancer working for yourself, you'd better be sure that you are well versed in all the skills that go into building the layers of a website...or you'd better start working on a plan to build strategic partnerships with other specialist freelancers. This will allow yourself some freedom to specialize in whichever aspects of web design that you enjoy the most, as well as offer the opportunity to others to do the same.

Tips To Create Good Domain Name

Domain name is an identity for a website. Each website has its own domain name. The function is similar to fingerprint as identity for human. The tips to create good domain name are memorable, short, dot com, global, nice sound, hyphen free, repeated alphabets, descriptive, keyword and brand.

Good domain name must be memorable. It shall go immediately to visitors mind. They accidentally easy to memorize the domain name. It will attract more unique visitors to the website. The domain name must be unique and different from others.

Good domain name must be short in spelling. It shall not be more than ten alphabets. It is easier to be memorized and spelt. Short in spelling can reduce the possibility of spelling mistakes. Visitors are always like to type the short name.

Good domain name normally with suffix dot com. Dot com is more popular and familiar. Most visitors tend to assume and write suffix dot com when they forget the actual suffix. Person who want to buy domain name also normally prefer to choose dot com as first choice.

Good domain name shall be a global name. It can be accepted by visitors from different countries, races and religions. Global name seems more elegant and attract more visitors. Global name can be generic or unique domain name.

Good domain name must be nice sound. It is easy in pronunciation. Easy pronunciation will easy to memorize and to spell. Visitors tend to appreciate more on the nice sound domain name. Most famous domain names are nice to be heard and pronounced.

Good domain name shall containing alphabets only. It shall not contain hyphen and number. Containing hyphen seems the name impression is not good. The domain name also can be spelt wrongly because the pronunciation and spelling is different.

Good domain name normally containing repeated alphabets. Repeated alphabets will bring nice sound. Nice sound means more memorable. Most popular website use this tips for their domain name. Their website sounds are nice and famous.

Good domain name must descriptive. It shall be reflective to the website activity. Visitors able to know immediately the website activity by just see the domain name. Use opposite domain name will cause real visitors will not reach the website.

Good domain name shall containing keyword respective to the website activity. Combination keywords can be used. The important things are the sound must be nice to be heard and memorized. Good combination keywords become unique domain name.

Good domain name shall be able to be branded name. Most branded domain name now started from unbranded domain name status previously. Create new branded name to be different from exist trademarks. Generic name can be customized to be unique domain name.

There is challenge to meet all above tips. Use our head and heart to create good and creative internet domain name. Get the domain name immediately before others get it. Trust and confident in our intuition. We must love our domain names. Then we will do better for our website.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Getting Internet Traffic For Your Website

Traffic is what everyone is talking about it, but how do you get it. One of the best ways of getting traffic is using articles will increase traffic to your web site. There are many of article directories on the internet; with the right article submitter software you can automate the entire article submission process. The way to do this is by writing interesting, informative and useful articles relevant to your target audience.

For argument sake we will assume that most people reading this are aware of the fact that they can associate with, or affiliate with, many companies, and can earn commissions by sending customers to these companies through links on their web site, in emails, and so on. Most internet entrepreneurs add the affiliate links to their site and hope that this will generate traffic or generate money, but it never does. This method is good for the site selling the product because they receive one way links back to their site. Follow the following steps to receive links. Persuade and convince the webmasters to exchange links with your website(s) with PR4 and over, join a site which specializes in reciprocal link exchanges. Create articles and include your link in the bio. Place links on directories. FFA-Free For All pages are sites with links to several other sites. Classified ads will help with one way links.

By weeding out those potential visitors expecting to get something free, you will attract a more targeted audience of potential buyers. There are at least six ways to increase the number of visitors to your site, including word of mouth from one web user to the next. By using these techniques you will increase the number of visitors to your site, which is almost guaranteed to increase your sales.

On the other hand, a website that has loads of traffic and tons of unique visitors per day is no more effective than the website that has no traffic if the traffic visiting the website is not targeted traffic. In addition to these internet marketing promotion ideas, you can also attract visitors to your website through more traditional marketing methods. You'll get a lot of visitors when they realize you know something.

Use simple, descriptive headings and subheadings to direct visitors throughout your Web site. Offer a live chat room were you or your employees can give your visitors and customers advice on your business topic.

Search engines tend to rank sites higher that have a good deal of content and good content keeps your visitors or prospects coming back for more. Other writers tend to write the title first and then focus all the content towards that title.

Good web site content (next to keywords) has been and always will be the King, Queen and whole Royal Court of marketing success on the web. When you're trying to develop a successful web site you soon realize that your web site content is an important part of your success strategy. If you have good content and patience or have the funds for top ten rankings, search engines are always a good way to get unique visitors.

Warm up your customers by providing great content and they'll be more likely to make a purchase. You can have the best content in the world, but if readers can’t find what they are looking for, they will leave.

iPod Downloads – 11 Tips On Finding The Best Download Site

You may have come across many websites that offer free iPod downloads. But beware as there have been stories of copyright infringement when the copyrighted music and other media files are distributed and shared. As a layman, you do not know whether it is legal to download the iPod music, movie or TV show you are searching for. So, avoid such iPod download sites as you may be on the wrong side of the law when you download iPod media files from these sites.

On the other hand, more paid iPod downloads membership sites have been appearing recently. You now have better choices to download iPod music, movies and TV shows legally at much cheaper prices than iTune. However, as an iPod user in the midst of multiple choices, we are once again caught in a dilemma to decide which one is the best for us.

Here, I will share with you some key tips on what to look out for in the iPod download membership benefits.

1. Per iPod Download Vs One Time Fee

Does the site charge for per piece of iPod music, movie or TV series file you download? I find it expensive to download media files at iTune, do you? I mean $1.99 for a music video and $0.99 per song is crazy. Nowadays, for a low one-time lifetime fee, you can download as many songs and music videos as you wish. Make sure you compare the pricing.

2. iPod Music Downloads Variety

What variety and range of music files can you find? To me, it is important that they have genres ranging from popular pop to jazz.

3. Huge Media Library of iPod Music, Movies, TV Shows and Video Files

Does it provide a huge library of media files? Do they have a wide selection of movies, TV shows, music and videos? Do they frequently update their database with new iPod downloads?

4. Ease of Use of Member's Site Interface

Is the member interface easy and user-friendly? Ease of use is very important.

5. Free iPod Downloading and System-compatible Software Provided

Do they provide with free software to help you in downloading those movies, mp3s etc? Are they easy to use? Are these software compatible with PC or MAC or both? Can they be used to download iPod files to older generation iPods or only to the newer models?

6. Fast iPod File Downloading Speeds

How fast is the iPod downloading speed? How long does it take for the files to be transferred?

7. Safe Downloading Process of iPod Media Files?

Do they ensure the iPod downloads to our computers are safe? Is spyware removal included to ensure that nothing goes wrong while downloading the music and movies?

8. Testimonials And Excellent Track Record

Is the company getting complaints or positive testimonials? Read these at iPod forums. Hear their experiences in using these iPod downloads services.

9. Legality of iPod Downloads

Is it legal? These are proper sites which have the right to distribute the iPod media files so you can have a peace of mind that you are not breaking any copyright laws.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Fundamentals of Social Book-Marking – A Quick Guide.

In The Begining
Have you ever entered a search term into a search engine and then had to wade through many useless ‘junk’ pages in order to find what you were looking for in the first place? Many web site owners have learned how to ‘fool’ or ‘game’ the search engines which has resulted in lots of trash sites spewing advertising etc clogging up the search results. Social book-marking has grown out of what was originally called ‘folksonomy’. This refered to open ended organisational systems that allowed multiple internet users to sort web sites and their elements. Instead of relying on one organisations assesment of how these sites should be sorted the folksonomy system allowed individual internet users the chance to mold and influence the architecture of this giant filing system.
The key to the structure of the folksonomy system is ‘tagging’. The creation of the categories within the system is made by using a tag or tags to describe a website, document or photograph for example. Tags are almost the equivelant of the keyword looking from a search engine perspective. For example is a web site selling meet and greet parking, sometimes called valet parking, at London Gatwick Airport. Tags for this site could include parking, Gatwick Airport, meet and greet, valet parking, etc. This site would be found if a user of the folksonomy searched under any of the tags associated with that site.
The folksonomic or book-marking system is constantly evolving from the bottom up as actual users of the internet and the folksonomy add sites and tags that will influence the outcomes of any searches performed. This is opposed to the top down search engine model where by their programers and search algorithm writters are trying to stay ahead of webmasters efforts to play the system and get their web site returned for a particular search enquiry.With folksonomy or social bookmarking it is the will and opinions of the participants that make the difference and influence results. Every entry is ‘peer reviewed’ and each tag is a vote of confidence or a personal recommendation.

A Short History fo Social Bookmarking
Social bookmarking has grown out of folksonomic thinking. The idea to arrange content with tags is over a decade old. Sharing bookmarked sites online began in 1996 as a variety of web sites tried to grab market share in the social bookmarking field. Unfortunately for these early pioneers the quest to grab users of the internet was not accompanied by any workable business model and when the dotcom bubble burst these fledgling social bookmarking sites were among the casualties. The social bookmarking concept was down but not out. 1997 saw the introduction of Working on the model that users were allowed to import their favourite bookmarks and make them visible to all participants via tagging them.
The site was well received and soon developed a loyal following. Not only were people able to find information but they could influence and shape how others found it. The quick growth of showed that the social book marking phenomena was upon us. There was a communal mindset amongst the participants who, through their co-operation, enjoyed using the peer reviewed search results instead of having to rely on the search engine algorithms to guide them through the truly gigantic sea of information that is the modern day world wide web.

The Future of Social Bookmarking
There is a constant injection of new ideas into the social bookmarking arena as the sites such as,, furl etc as they evolve and improve based on users needs. Social bookmarking has developed to become the grassroots tool of information discovery and organisation. Excitingly for social bookmarking many industry experts and commentators don’t believe that this phenomena is even close to reaching it’s high water mark. Unprecedented levels of involvement from users across the world has the potential to give social bookmarking the capacity to continuousley evolve and change with users needs and never become outmoded.
Social book-marking sites today often employ a search engine style interface to simplify information retrieval. Although tag driven these programs sit between the user and the information and act as search algorithms designed to return results based on what they infer from the tagging structure. For purists of the folksonomy concept this interference by computer programs is not welcomed bu many users do find the search engine model to be useful.
Social bookmarking allows real people as users of the internet to be the judge of useful relevant information. It is possible that the traditional search engines will begin to look to the tags of the social bookmarking world in order to further sift and catalogue the web according to relevance and imprtance to the search customer. Many believe that with the exponential growth of the web in the future it will only be via a human edited and peer reviewed cataloguing of the internet that we will ever hope to find the information we all crave.

Using The Proper Meta Tags

Meta tags are not a magic solution. Meta tags are HTML codes that are inserted into the header on a web page, after the title tag. Meta tags are contained in the HEAD section near the top of the page. Meta tags are HTML tags that help you control how some search engines may index your site, by using the keywords and descriptions you provide. A good question to ask is if meta tags are still necessary. Meta tags are useful in getting better listings in the search engines. The title, keyword and description meta tags are standard HTML tags and should be placed within the HEAD section of a Web page.

Some believe that HTML meta tags will bring you to the top of the search engine rankings. Many vendors of software that generates HTML will make use of their own custom Meta Tags to identify different pieces of information about the document. You can define your own search fields with HTML meta tags. While many search engines are placing more and more emphasis on the keywords used on your actual HTML page, some are still looking at your meta tags.

Everyone knows that to obtain high search engine rankings all you have to do is put the keywords that you want to rank high with into your meta tags, right. You know that keywords should go into your HTML title and meta tags, but did you know that you also need to place them in heading tags. The description meta tag explains your site's content and data, giving the search engines' robots and spiders a brief summary of your site. Use the keywords in the META tags in your ALT image description for a boost in some search engines. Being specific and accurate are the ingredients to success with keywords. At the present time, most search services extract keywords from the page text, but some services may use the keywords meta tag. It’s important not to repeat words in the description or keywords meta tags; Meta is not the only way to have your site seen by search engines. Keywords may be separated by a space or a comma or a comma followed by a space. Never, repeat the same word over and over in any single one of those places.

The meta description tag describes your site's content, giving search engines' spiders an accurate summary filled with multiple keywords. In search engine listings you see a title and a short description. Titles and Description tags are the most important meta-tags that search engines consider to determine relevancy. Try to always include your keywords within the description tags, if you can put the keywords near the beginning of the meta tag. We recommend keeping your description tag to 170 characters or less. Some services obtain descriptions from the text of the page, while other services use descriptions given in description meta tags. Just a few years ago, good META description and keyword tags were a ticket to success for many sites and many spammers. The Keyword and Description Meta Tags are the two principle META tags that search engines look for when indexing your website. The keyword, title, description tags, have been abused by many seo gurus, because of this many search engines do not pay attention to the meta tags.

Meta tags are used to provide structured data about data, similar in many ways to the information provided in traditional library catalogue records. Meta Tags are most commonly used to distinguish the keywords that are relevant to a page's content. The robots meta tags are used and respected by all major search engine robots. META Tags are still important today.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Simple Ways To Market A Podcast

Marketing or promoting a podcast is even simpler and cheaper than producing the podcast itself. You do not need to spend big sum of money to promote your podcast. All you need to invest here is your time and effort. But before anything else, create a precise introduction of your podcast that will appropriately describe its content. In this way, you can easily target your market niche and your desired listeners could find your show faster.

Then, look for the websites that file up podcast shows like podcast directories, search engines and even forums. You can actually find hundreds of these sites in the Internet. In publishing in podcast directory, be sure that you put your show in its proper categories. After searching the net for the podcast directories, aspire to submit your show to all these directories whenever you can because this will give your site ‘traffic’ and will eventually lead your podcast to appear in search engines like Goggle, Yahoo, and others. Blog sites as well as forums are also great places to market your podcast. Blogging will give you better opportunities to link your podcast to various sites that will definitely improve the statistics of your show.

Forums on the other hand will open a door to new acquaintances that may help you spread words about your podcast. Be friendly and participate to proper forum threads that you may think appropriate to your podcast. But never spam, just put a simple link of you podcast at your signature.

By doing all these suggestions and keeping all your podcast episodes informative and lively, you can surely have regular listeners that will lead your podcast to be popular and allow you to generate higher income. A podcast need not to be in top 100 to be able to consider popular. As long as you manage hit your target niche and maintain stable regular listeners, you are already doing great.

With so many podcasts sprouting everyday, not all podcast makes it on top and stay on it all the time but when you are truly gifted and fortunate to reach this stage, this is the best time to look for an expert advice to help you maximize the potential of your podcast venture.

Flash Versus HTML What to use?

It never fails to annoy me when I'm searching for, say tech news, click on the link, and up comes a full flash page complete with movies, animations here and there, and background music. I want information, nothing more, and as fast as possible. In this case, HTML wins.

Using the same argument, the same could be said about multimedia websites. When I'm looking to be entertained, I want to be hit hard. Give me all you got and make me interact. Flash usually wins me instantly.

If your website is a host for information, and you intend to relay that information to users, HTML is definitely the way to go. Same goes with e-commerce sites. Yes a few Flash could be used, maybe for your header or banner, but make it simple enough not to hinder the users for your site's intended purpose. Aside from distracting, it takes more time to load than plain HTML and I'm sure we all know how frustrating that is.

All-flash websites are also all but hated by search engine spiders. Spiders crawl the text of a website to gather information. Aside from the usual meta tags, these spiders won't see much on a flash website, thus brushing it away from the top of SERPs (Search Engine Results Page). If your business thrives on search engine traffic, this will definitely hurt you. I know there are several ways to get a flash site ranked high, but wouldn't you rather save yourself the effort and do it right from the start?

If your reason for using Flash is design, then I would say that HTML can be as "flashy." With the right skills and tools, a well designed HTML website can out-perform a Flash website design-wise. CSS anyone?

Multimedia websites are a different story. You want the users to see, watch, hear, smile, laugh, and cry. Well, maybe not cry. But that is the goal of such a site. To let users interact. Now that won't be achieved by HTML alone.

These are just some of the factors to consider when designing a website. Before starting out, I would strongly suggest that you do your research and think hard. The success of a website may rely on the use of these elements. Myself, like all aspects of my life, I practice the two-too's; never too much, and never too little.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Why You Can't Afford to Ignore Article Directories

One of the best link building tactics - and the favorite of many affiliate marketers today - is submitting articles with information on a particular niche to article directories. This is the first "tool" SEO experts advise new site owners to use to acquire natural incoming links (also called backlinkks). The process is simple.

(1) Create an original article. (2) Develop an Author Reference Box that includes your website's URL. (3) Submit the work to Article Directories for easy backlinks.

The benefits of using article directories in your marketing strategy should not be taken lightly. They include, but are not limited to, the following:

=> Links are one-way. Many experts believe that search engines discount or downplay reciprocal links in their SERP (Search Engine Results Page) calculations. While reciprocal links can still be valuable, they don't count as much as one-way links to your site. Article directories give you a one-way link.

=> Links per page are fewer. This is a little known, but valuable benefit. Experts say the higher the number of links per page, the less SEO value each link will have. But the link back to your site in an article is often only one of a few links on the page.

=> Links are guaranteed. If you've ever asked a webmaster for a link before, it can feel a bit intimidating. But when you submit articles to directories, you know you won't get turned down. Seeing those backlinks show up in the SERPs is a nice confidence booster, especially if your site is brand new. As long as your articles are of good quality, they will also send you targeted visitors for a long time to come.

So why do article sites even exist? One reason - to provide other webmasters with access to free, quality content. This is why article backlinks have the ability to quickly multiply. Just one article, in just one directory, can actually turn into hundreds of links, as webmaster after webmaster finds your article and places it on their web. Every site needs content, and these directories provide a valuable service for all parties.

They give webmasters content that is appropriate to their site (and saves them time because they didn't have to write it). They allow other webmasters and writers to submit content that others can use for free, as long as all of the links remain in tact.

Getting backlinks by asking individual webmasters for them is a slow (and almost painful) process. Many site owners will not even enter into reciprocal link relationships. Sometimes they don't perceive the requester as offering them sufficient value. Maybe they simply don't have time to respond to requests. Or, it could be that their spam filters catch those requests - and delete them - before the requestor can make a case for a link.

Most web owners do not have time to spare. They want to build traffic and page rank as rapidly as possible to keep ahead of the competition. Don't get me wrong, submitting requests to other sites for reciprocal links, listing in link directories, and other methods are excellent long term SEO tactics, but they can take ages.

3 Steps to Find “Freebies” to Add to Your E-book

Those of us who regularly shop on line are familiar with the array of free gifts, free bonuses and just plain freebies that are offered to a visitor to a website to encourage them to buy. How could you collect, select and offer free gifts, which will be valued as much as the original merchandise that is being purchased, put these gifts together and add them to your E-book? There are just three steps to do that very thing. They are:

1.Identify your key words in each chapter of your E-book. Now, type those words into your favorite search engine. You are looking for free E-books on the same subject in more depth, by a greater expert than you are, or by someone who gives a new and fresh angle to the topic. Add a link to the free E-book in each chapter of your E-book.

2.Research the Internet for related free gifts. Now you are looking for things that you could give as free gifts in your E-book that will make it more appealing and give it more pass-along appeal to your readers. For example: If you are selling gardening supplies, find a planting guide on the web that can be downloaded and include that as a gift in your E-book.

3.Download the freebies. Visit the freebies pages on those web sites. Most sites have freebies and encourage you to distribute them.

Other key words I searched for are freebies, free E-books, and free reports and then gave the key word that I wanted the free stuff for. Like… “freebies for gardeners”.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Making money online Vol. 4

Hello folks, this is “Seth Rubberfold” with your latest copy of “Making Money Online”. In the previous update, we went over “hyped” products, and networking a “downline” of sellers for your business. Some of the other options you have are becoming a direct seller of products, and blogging. In “Money to Be Made Online” many of the set backs you may experience can be avoided by learninf from the pros. Why not learn from their mistakes so you don’t have to waste time, energy, and money on needless failures?

Today I want to explain how you can use your sales information to your advantage. Currently the hottest trend is customer’s psychological profile. If you can create a survey of the information you have stored about your customers, companies will buy it for extremely large amounts of money, depending on the size and quality of information gathered. A great way to do this is to offer a free bonus if the customer fills out a quality of service/product survey. Design the survey to fit a certain amount and type of information.

For example, “Z Company” is interested in the demographics of people who shop online, specifically for one of the products you market, bath and beauty products. “Z Company” wants to know how many women versus men buy products of that nature online, how much the average is, how much higher paying customers income is, etc… We’re getting into some of the bigger aspects of online marketing, so I suggest you get a pre-paid legal company or network with some lawyers. Outsource a webpage for them (get someone to do it for you, and offer it to a lawyer friend), in exchange for that lawyer drafting contracts for you.

You can make your own contracts, but either way you need one. Drafts are available online, but to be on the safe side, get a lawyer. Draft a contract that specifies the exact types of information Z Company is interested in, and how much they’ll pay per hundred, or thousand of people’s information you collect. Sign the contract with them, and you’re ready to cash in. Now here’s where you double your money!

Since you have a little deal on the side, you can make an investment. This technique shouldn’t be attempted until your online store is doing fairly well (which can be accomplished by following each of the 877 tips and tricks in Money to Be Made Online). Now you sell 600 soap items a week, and 450 of them are unique. To boost your sales, offer a small bonus such as free bar of favorite soap, or $5 off shipping and handling. Attach the survey to your checkout software, and in one month you have at least a thousand items of data to sell to Z Company.

Of course in a real time scenario it’s not as easy or smooth, but once you get the hang of it, you can virtually double your income. The more your store sells, the more information you can sell. The best part about it is that you can design surveys to be completely anonymous, and have people fill it in to become a member of your site. In Money to Be Made Online there are tons of tricks that describe how to get information in non-harmful ways, without small print, spam, or dis-honesty.

Acquiring Items for Your Layout

There are many ways to edit your profile, and changing the layout could not be easier.

There are many features you can add to you’re profile to make it more aesthetically pleasing, and easier for other users to navigate. These include, font’s colors, borders, and icons. While many options are available to you on the actual site, there are other places where you can go to obtain items that can be used on

Since its conception in 2003, has become one of the most popular web sites on the Net. Established as a social interactive site, it is reportedly the third most used service of its kind. In addition to the many web-building features it provides its users, the service also allows people who have never met before the opportunity to chat, share information, and get to know more about other cultures and walks of life.

Many independent musicians, filmmakers, and comedians are creating profiles and posting their information, music, videos, and routines for other users to access. Several celebrities have even come onto the scene. Because of the extreme social interactive nature of the site, it has become necessary to offer many features. Also, because it has become such a big place to share information, many other websites are offering features and items that users can download onto their computers, then use on the site while editing their profiles.

For instance, there are now several sites where users can download icons. It is expressly mentioned that they are specific to These sites also offer a wide variety of various fonts, graphics, and borders to help enhance the appearance of a page. This is, yet another way for users to share information and cool features that will make their sites more appealing and intriguing.

Many other sites offer icons, graphics, fonts, and borders that can be used on just about any site you create on the Net, and though they are not specific to, can be used when creating a profile and the subsequent pages that are included. The ease with which these items can be incorporated into the site makes it easier for users to share them, and to post instructions on how they should be used.

There are also many tutorials available on the Internet that provide step by step instructions on how to create a page, how to edit that page, and how to incorporate the items downloaded from other sites whether they are specific to, like or, or not.

It is important to keep in mind that you should always be careful when downloading anything. Before doing so, it is a good idea to check to see where else those items are used, and to know the origins of each item. If you wish to add items that aren’t already on the site, you can conduct a search for whatever you wish to add to your site.