Saturday, June 24, 2006

Internet Myths

The last 10 years we have been overwhelmed by the get-rich-quick schemes on the internet. The variety is huge but they do have some common principles. They promise you less or no effort and spend nothing and gain gazillion dollars in a month.

Myth 1: Buy this “Super Magic” software and you will become an internet millionaire overnight.

Although there are great software titles out there that can automate your business, there is no such a thing like Magic software that does everything. You can find software saving you time or even money but you will never find software doing everything.

Myth 2: I make 35.000$ per month!

It’s true, people who make that income exist and maybe more. But what they don’t tell you is how much they spend in order to make those amounts of money. Don’t believe anyone of them, promise you that by spending 10$ you will achieve those numbers. A good example is Google Adwords.

You see those sales letters and the photos with proof of making 600$ per day? Did they also show you the advertising costs? Sure, spending 1000$ per day on Adwords, with careful planning, can make 1600 per day. The tiny detail is this: can you afford spending 1000$ per day (30.000$ per month)?

Myth 3: Become Rich with other people’s efforts.

This refers to MLM and similar techniques. You shouldn’t contemn multilevel marketing completely. There are serious MLM companies that have been expanded on that way. Some universities also teach MLM. But when someone promises the earth by making downlines only and not focusing on the products and how to market them, stay away.

Do you honestly believe that you will find 3 business partners becoming your downline and each one of them will bring a thousand referrals with you doing nothing? It will Not Happen.

Myth 4: Work only 10 minutes per day!

I wish this could be real. We should believe in the saying “work smarter not harder” but there is huge misunderstanding on that. Even the most successful online entrepreneurs , before they reach the ideal lifestyle working few hours per day, they came across the path of working endless hours , spending & loosing money , testing & retesting , failing . There is no shortcut to this. PERIOD.

Myth 5: I make 50.000$ per month. Buy my 19.95$ “Super Magic Secret E-book”

Isn’t that obvious? Doesn’t it ring the bell? If you had that “50.000$ Super Secret” would you share it with the whole internet world and actually charge it so cheap? Get Real. It’s 100% certain that you will find the same recycled information with other 500 similar resources.

Myth 6: Buy 5.000.000 email addresses CD. Only 99$!

Be Careful. This is SPAM. Have no doubt about it. Don’t even think of purchasing this. Those emails have been extracted without the email owners consent. You will not make a dime and you will loose your website & internet connection and maybe more with the new strict antispam laws.

Ways Of Deceiving Spam Filters

Spam filters or spam blockers or spam eliminators have one purpose and that is to block, ban, delete unwanted, unsolicited commercial email and prevent them from entering your inbox. Their intentions are good since email is intended for personal communication but often abused by internet marketers and opt-in newsletters. However, spam filters are misunderstood little tool for they are merely software that aids and not to demand from it's owner or never to dictate it's owner what is spam or not. Our fault is laziness in way that we have all delegated the task of choosing what and what not to read in our inbox to a software.

Spam filters work in various ways but one common principle is that they isolate spam from not by means of patterns or words or keywords found on your email messages. They do this very fast often lightning speed and we can say that they've already "read" our email messages first before we have ever read it. Some will go into extent that it actually scans the email message and reads it for some spam are mascarading as a personal email but are not. They're real intention is ot sell you out.

So this little so-called "intelligent software" will do their "thing" and put messages straight to your spam box/folder or even worst delete it before you can even set your eyes on it. One colleague of mine decided not to receive email from me because my email end up on the spam folder. How cruel? A friendship destroyed just because people prevented their brain to think and sided with the spam filter. Spam filters can't give you freebies because it hates the word.

A person or programmer feeds it's words like: free, money, cash, opportunity, friend, $, investment, and many more to be filtered or scored out. A certain score was assigned to a word mentioned above and the more the word are mentioned in an email message the more your email message is considered as a spam. So the highest scorer get straight to the trash.

No person or software can tell me what is spam or not for I have not prevented by the use of my brain. Remember the saying "Another man's trash is another man's treasure.", so it is with spam. "Another man's spam is another man's opportunity.

So how can you deceive this spam filters and get your message across to your intended recipient.

1. Limit or if possible don't use the words: "free, money, cash, opportunity, for a more listing of these scored out words, try sending a message to yourself using either yahoo or hotmail account once it get straight to the trash, chances are you have the banned word.

2. Speak in a foreign language, perhaps, your own native language will do. Majority of spam filters are programmed in English but watch out there are already multi-lingual spam filters out there.

3. Work on your wordings, make it short. Send a test email to your yahoo or hotmail account, if it gets to the inbox, then you can send that email, if not try rewording your message. try my spam tester here: or here

4. Insert symbol or extra letter in the filtered word, for example instead of saying "free" say it like: "freee", "f.r.e.e.", "F*r*e*e*". I think you get the point. Your message will appear coded bringing us back to the military age of the internet where only the militaries can use the internet.

5. Don't send an email at all, that way it won't be filtered. Try fax machines. Use forum, blogs, rss, i.m. (instant messenger) or desktop alerts.

6. Use randomly generated words so you're recipient will think you're crazy and so he/she will move your message to his/her trash.

7. Use a website and post your message there. Email the recipient just the url or web address and let him/her click on it, chances are he/she won't click thinking that the web address is a virus or a trojan.

8. Abbreviate your words like those sent on SMS (short messaging system) or in telegrams or just like in morse codes.

9. Turn your messages into a graphic either a .jpg or .gif will do. Write in a piece of paper and scan it or use a graphic editing software and write your entire message there and save it as .jpg or .gif and send it in an email as file attachments.

What You Should Know Before Copying Contracts from the Internet

Copying contracts from the Internet is a bit like wearing your old cousin's hand-me-down dresses . . . in order to walk into abee's nest (an incongruous image, I know): yes, you're "covered," but the style is outdated and they usually don't fit you well. Plus, they won't provide you with the protection you need for your particular purpose.

Most small businesses can't afford the Versace of contracts, and, frankly, it's often not necessary. Sometimes, Kmart will do nicely. However, when you download something for free, it's usually worth what you paid for it. Internet contracts need to be mended and altered to make sure they truly fit how you want to do business. But if you have limited experience in making clothing, you risk having the garment unravel at the seams if you try to do it yourself.

In the interest of saving money, you may have downloaded a freebie contract from the Internet. But it's often what you don't know - and what's not included in the document -- that can hurt you. Internet contracts can be helpful resources for identifying issues for you to think about, but are usually not well thought out, nor are they tailored to the needs of your particular business. If an agreement is not drafted in your favor, it may not give you the flexibility and protection that you really need from your business relationships.

For example, I know of business owners who have formed limited liability companies (LLCs) and have downloaded their ownership agreements from the Internet. When "Jemma" got hers from a freebie Internet site, it looked long enough and comprehensive enough, so she and her co-owner (neither of whom are lawyers) signed it. Four months later, Jemma wanted to move to a different state to accommodate her husband's career path; plus, Jemma learned that she was pregnant. So the time was right to transition to her new stage of life. But her LLC agreement only allowed her to leave the business (1) if she had died (which she hadn't) or (2) as long as her co-owner agreed (which she didn't). In short, Jemma's agreement had no meaningful "exit strategy." And Jemma did not know that these were among the issues she needed to focus on in creating and signing such an agreement. There were a whole host of things that the LLC agreement did not include, such as how to deal with the client base th! at each owner brought to the business, how to place a dollar value on the intellectual property that each owner contributed, and how to leave the business should life changes (other than Jemma's death) arise. Jemma's agreement didn't cover any of these issues. In the face of an irate business partner and an insufficient agreement, Jemma found herself staring down the barrels of (1) a lengthy and expensive lawsuit to dissolve the business or (2) a less expensive (but more costly than it needed to have been) way to extricate herself from her business partner.

Similar things can happen with even the simplest of contracts with your customers. Download from the Internet all you like, but recognize that the document you copy (1) may not reflect the most recent changes in the law (how will you know? - ask a lawyer!); (2) may contain provisions that are harmful to your business (or omit ones that could help you), and (3) may not properly reflect how you want to do business with your customers. Internet contracts may raise some of the important issues, without a doubt. But they don't necessarily deal with the specific issues of your situation. In short, when downloading from the Internet: "one size fits all" usually means that "one size fits none."

How to avoid this pitfall: ideally, by working with an attorney who really understands the legal issues that small businesses face. Although some entrepreneurs may try to economize with a do-it-yourself approach, they often end up costing themselves more because they are not trained, as attorneys are, to spot the issues and problems that can harm them. Taking the time to find a lawyer who meets your needs is one of the best investments you will ever make in the growth of your business.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

America's Falling Share of Spam Mails: Spamming now a $30 Billion Industry

Americans are always crazy to feel that they are the number 1 in everything. Their obsession with statistics and records is often in the extreme level. However, no American will lament for the fact that USA is gradually losing the top spot in terms of sending spam mails. Even two years ago, nearly 50% of all spam mails would originate in USA. Now, America is not the leading source spam e-mails. Asia has snatched away this record from USA and according to Sophos, the UK based security firm, it is Asia which leads the spam industry. Here is the market share for the continents:
Asia: 42.8%
North America: 25.6%
Europe: 25%

As a single country, USA is still in the top of the lsit. By country basis the top 3 sources of spam mails are:
USA: 23.1%
China: 21.9
Korea: 10%

What is so surprising is that spamming is developing so fast in Asia. Well, main reason is that Asian economy is expanding very fast and that is why spammers are eager to use their spam emails as a marketing tool. Chinese economy is growing at a rate of 10% for the last one decade and naturally this is a very attractive market for the spammers. The main problem for Asia is that hardly any country has any law against spammers. Most users are not aware about the possible threats that spam emails can bring.

Spamming is now considered to be a very good marketing tool by many people and the size of this industry is now $30 billion. So, no doubt that spamming is a very profitable business and now spamming companies are hiring experts to find more sophisticated solutions for spamming.

The only way out for us is to hope that big companies like Microsoft, Google and Yahoo will come forward seriously and start a fight against spammers. The Asian governments will also have to be aware of this problem and ensure strict law against spamming without any delay.

5 Ways to Utilize Direct Email Marketing

If you own an online business, you are probably always on the lookout for new forms of Internet marketing. As you have no doubt discovered, there are many different ways to market your business online. One of the best is direct email marketing. Direct email marketing is a simple, but effective form of Internet marketing. It allows you to reach your customers, and provide them with information that you want them to see.

Direct email marketing can be used before and after a sale. You can utilize this form of Internet marketing to promote products, provide news, and to send confirmations and thank-you notes. If you don’t have time to send the emails yourself, you may choose to use email autoresponders. Email autoresponders are triggered when an email is sent to you. If you are unavailable, email autoresponders can contact the customer for you, providing order confirmations, etc.

If you’re not sure where to start, here are five tips that will allow you to easily incorporate direct email marketing into you Internet marketing strategy:

1. Use a Professional Email Signature

This is an important part of direct email marketing. Every time you send a business email, you should include a professional signature at the bottom. Your signature should include your name, business name, and full web address.

1. Find an Affiliate

An affiliate (or signature buddy) can step up your Internet marketing campaign and allow you to reach more customers. Simply ask someone to include your web address below their own signature every time they send an email. In return, you can add their web address to every email that you send below your signature. 3. Create a Newsletter A newsletter or e-zine should be included in your Internet marketing strategy. A free newsletter takes a bit of time every month to create, but it is well worth the effort. Newsletters are an effective form of direct email marketing, and can be used to promote your products and services.

4. Send Coupons Everyone loves coupons. Make them part of your direct email marketing campaign. Send coupons for your products and services to your customers on a regular basis.

5. Send Thank You Notes Using an email autoresponder to send thank you notes to your customers after the sale is a polite gesture—it’s also Internet marketing at it’s finest. Thank show your appreciation and should be incorporated into your direct email marketing if at all possible.

Hurricanes and Blogging

If you are Blogger and you wish to increase traffic into readership and visitors to your website then it is smart to talk about the weather specifically the major category hurricane named storms. During the 2005 Atlantic tropical hurricane season; we had Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Rita and Hurricane Wilma into these were among the top searched words on Google from August 2005 to be December 2005.

It is interesting that people are always joking about others talking about the weather and just think if you talk about the weather on your Blog, you will totally increase traffic on your web site. What kinds of things do people like to read about on a Blog during hurricane season?

People are looking for alternative news stories and events, which are not in the mainstream media but are of public interest. You may also find people who either live in the devastated or destroyed region from a major tropical category hurricane or catastrophic tropical storm, which flooded their area, who are willing to tell their stories on your Blog.

This firsthand knowledge will help drive traffic to your web site and it is a public service to the citizens to know what is really going on from real people who are really involved.

How Blogging Affects Mainstream online Marketing

There has been a lot of buzz around blogging lately, and for good reason. Blogs are changing the way people market their businesses.

If you aren’t familiar with blogging, the concept is relatively easy to grasp. Blogs first began as a shared online journal. A blogger posted diary-like entries about his or her daily life. Recently though, blogging has evolved into a new form of business writing and advertising. Many business owners now use blogs to promote their goods and services.

By adding blogging to their marketing campaigns, business owners are able to market their product with virtually no out of pocket expense. In some cases, bloggers may even be able to make large sums of money with their published blog. For example, a blogger who employs the Google Ad Sense program can make money from blog readers. The more readers a blogger has, the more money can be made from the Google ad.

A blogger can also be a guide for shoppers who are looking for specific products and services. This makes blogging an excellent tool for retailers or affiliate marketers. Blogs can also be a source of information and niche industry news.

Because there are virtually limitless possibilities provided by blogging, it is easy to see why blogs have begun to have a significant impact on mainstream marketing practices. Many companies have noticed this and have chosen to hire a blogger to write and post up-to-date information for customers, shareholders, and employees.

Some blogs now get millions of readers every single day. There are so many blog readers out there, that experts speculate that the world of blogging is rivaling the mainstream media.

If you have not yet established a blog for your business, you may want to consider doing so as soon as possible. Keep in mind though that it will take work to attract readers to your blog. It must be interesting and/or valuable to them in some way. A blogger must also concentrate on creating informative pieces that are as honest and up-to-date as possible. Blogging is serious business and if you make a mistake, it will not go unnoticed by your readership. Last, but not least, a blogger must remember to optimize blog writing for search engines. Blogging is an Internet medium and needs to be approached with Internet principles in mind.

News Article Strategy For Posts At Your Blog Will Increase Your Traffic At Lightning Speed

Leading search engines treat the news article different and it may have something to do with frequency of posts at a site. However my tests clearly show that news articles have an edge over non-news article posts done frequently. Still this is an extremely valuable secret. This little secret has helped me generate thousands of targeted hits and has given me some interesting earnings from my Adsense ads. It is amazing how big an impact stuff that you discover almost by accident can have on your life.

There are several high traffic advantages that news article posts come with. To start with, everybody knows that news and current affairs usually has a major impact on searches in terms of the keywords being used. Breaking news often leaves many unanswered questions that will tend to send droves to their favorite search engines in search of more information. New popular keyword phrases emerge that do not have any competition yet and therefore it is fairly easy for a small unknown site to gain high rankings with search engines for those particular keyword phrases.

And the really huge advantage here is that it is fairly easy to predict popular keywords in advance when you opt to go for news article posts. When you consider the fact that some news items and subjects remain at the center of the public's attention for a long time, you will quickly realize the real power of a single news article post in increasing traffic for a site and keep it high for a long time.