Saturday, December 16, 2006

Webroot Window Washer

For anyone concerned about what is left on their PC after using the Internet, Webroot Window Washer can set the mind at ease.

Window Washer wipes away all traces of past PC use. It not only removes Internet history, but also previously deleted files that may still have a presence on the hard disk. A quick cycle of Window Washer can:

• clear Internet history, address bar and cache

• delete selected cookies

• overwrite deleted files

• shred folders with one-click

• provide protection against deleting important files

• schedule washes

• clear unused disk space to ensure faster, smoother PC operation

• clean applications such as iTunes, Adobe Acrobat, Google Toolbar and Macromedia Flash Player

• securely erase whole hard disk

• work with Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Firefox, Netscape, and AOL

When using the Internet all sort of information gets left behind: history of sites visited, web addresses typed into the address bar, a cache of each page visited, cookies holding user information, chat logs...the list goes on. Window Washer will safely remove all of these files so no trace of online activity remains. Not only that, all of this information can slow down working, so cleaning the system makes the PC quicker and more efficient.

In trying to eliminate PC activity, it can be very easy to accidentally get rid of some important file the system needs to run properly. Window Washer provides protection against doing this whilst removing any incriminating information.

Likewise, whilst some Internet cookies might be from unsavory sources, others prove invaluable in remembering names and passwords for often visited sites. It's easy to remove all the cookies in one go, but Window Washer allows selective cookie deletion so only the desired ones remain.

Simply deleting items from the system is not enough to remove them from the hard disk entirely. Free space can actually be full of unused files and bits of deleted files. Window Washer can overwrite this unused data with completely random information, making it worthless to anyone trying to get at it, and clean up these areas for better performance.

Window Washer is also capable of erasing the hard disk completely. Formatting and reinstalling the operating system may not destroy everything contained on the hard disk. Window Washer ensures nothing is left on a PC that might be going to a new owner.

For the most security conscious, it is not even necessary to make an effort to run Window Washer. Once installed, it can be set to wash at specified times, such as when the PC is booted up or shut down, or each time the browser is closed. Window Washer will also clean other applications. Flash Player, Adobe Acrobat, Real Player – they all store document histories of what's been viewed and, sometimes, when it was viewed. Window Washer will empty these histories for a faster running application.

Minimum system requirements for Webroot Window Washer are not high. Even the most basic PC should be able to run it as long as it has:

• Windows 98 SE/2000/Me/XP

• 266 MHz CPU

• 5 MB hard drive space

• 64 MB RAM

Webroot Window Washer is available for download as a free trial. The full version costs $29.95 for a one year upgrade and support subscription.

The Birth of Internet Access

Isn't it interesting how we always seem to take for granted some of the most significant technological breakthroughs that have helped propel our society into the 21st century? Internet access is one such technology that has changed the way we work, live, and play. The Internet has become such a necessity in most of our daily lives that we hardly even give its significance a second thought. We use the Internet for personal communication, our finances, entertainment, dating, news, research, and much more. However, it's amazing when asked, "Who created the Internet?" the usual answer is a simple "I don't know". The creation of the Internet was a pretty large technical undertaking that took many years to perfect and would require a great deal of your time if explained in complete detail. However, this editorial cuts to the chase and explains its development in a clear, concise, non-technical manner.

In the late 1960s, the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) developed by ARPA of the U.S. Department of Defense created a network of computers that were all linked together. This network was referred to as ARPANET and was specifically designed to be redundant. The reason for the network redundancy ensured that if any one section of the network became damaged in a large scale military conflict, the remaining computers on the network would still be able to communicate with one another. Back then, the military understood the potential of computer networks and they also understood that in any military conflict reliable battlefield communication is paramount to a successful outcome. This is what led the military to research a way to reliably network computers for such a scenario.

By the mid 1980s, the National Science Foundation created NSFNET. This used the ARPANET technology that was originally developed for military application to allow universities and researchers to connect to each other. By 1987, NSFNET was no longer capable of handling the amount of information that was being transferred, so the National Science Foundation made improvements to the network in order to increase information transfer speeds. This high speed network technology was the key advancement that made the future of Internet access practical. As a result, this improved high-speed network laid the groundwork for the application of commercial Internet access.

In the 1980s, the majority of individuals with Internet access were mainly comprised of scientists and researchers. By the early 1990s, many companies, now more commonly referred to as Internet service providers (ISP's) started offering Internet access to average home users. This was the key transition point that allowed the average individual with a simple modem and computer configuration to acquire Internet access.

The World Wide Web (www) was created in the early 1990s by a European Laboratory. Their goal was to develop a way for researchers to work more closely together and to make the sharing of their research easily accessible amongst other researchers. As a result, the first publicly accessible Web site was created in 1993.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Google, Paranoia or a Cause for Concern?

Anti-Google sentiment is on the rise. Web pundits have tossed around monopoly theories and privacy advocates have warned of a day of reckoning. While Google has made friends on Wallstreet, it has disappointed the technical evangelists who were once its fiercest followers. Google has grown into a big scary company and web watchers are expressing their concerns about the information Google gleans from their various services.

Google Analytics is free, no one can beat the price, but what is the real cost? The cost is your data. While not terribly important when analyzed alone, when aggregated with other information Google has access to, it could be damaging. Data mining has made the collection of data meaningful. It has become easier to find patterns and trends in large volumes of data.

While any of that information independent of other data, might be non-threatening or irrelevant to someone doing analysis, when combined with other data Google has access to, it can paint a very clear picture of how, not only individual companies are performing, but the aggregate data could possibly paint a picture of how entire business sectors or industries are performing.

The big question is how will Google use this information? Will it affect search engine ranking? Will it influence keyword costs?

Paranoia? Lauren Weinstein doesn't seem to think so, her blog post entitled "The Dark Side of Google" , paints a very clear picture of the danger of a single entity possessing all of the data.

According to a recent USA Today article "In just seven years, Google has emerged as one off the most influential companies of the 21st century, a multinational whose recent forays into classified ads, book publishing, video, Wi-Fi and telecom make its data empire ever more powerful." The article goes on further to quote Jeff Chester, head of the digital Center for Digital Democracy saying "Google could easily become the poster child for a national public movement to regulate data collection".

Lets take a look at Google's new analytics tool. As a reporting tool, Google Analytics offers good features and functionality. Google Analytics tells publishers who their website referrers are, what pages visitors are viewing, the length of the visitor stay, what items are purchased. Google Analytics data can be used to develop new technologies, and optimize pay per term influence ranking.

Google wants to make money, and like it or not, data is a commodity. Google will likely use the data from their various ventures to develop new technologies and personalize content. Conspiracy theorists believe that the Google's aggregate data will also be used to optimize the fees charged for pay-per-click, influence organic ranking or worse yet sold.

Unbeknownst to many users, privacy advocates say that Google's technology give Google the ability to collect enormous amounts of data about interests and online habits of web surfers. That said, Google's growth will continue to motivate privacy advocates and those in the technology field behind the Attention Truste movement to work together, to improve how personal information and subscription information is used online. I expect we will see a lot of energy and effort in this arena.

Lets face it, Google wants to make money; no, now that they are public they *need* to make money and like it or not, data is a commodity. Whether Google will use your data or not is still to be determined, but the fact remains they can if they choose to. Google's storage capacity, is as deep as its pockets, meaning that it is far ahead of competitors. All of this has motivated privacy advocates and eyes are on and will continue to be focused on Google and the type of data they are capable of collecting.

Secrets for a Successful Directory Submission

Every webmaster wants links (possibly a lot of them!). That's not surprisingly because links from other sites are not only a source of traffic, but also a very important factor that helps a site to rank well in search engines results.

Apparently submitting your site to web directories is one of the quickest ways to get links, but getting listed is sometimes much more difficult than it may seem.

The problem is that web directories are swamped by a large number of low quality submissions: poorly designed web sites, web sites without any original content or created only to display advertisements and so on.

For this reason directory editors review hundreds of sites per day and accept only those complying to a very strict set of guidelines. There are days, and I talk by personal experience, when more than 90% of submissions are rejected, in many case without even the need to visit the site simply because of a poorly written submission.

If you want to increase your chances to see your site listed, it's essential to understand what informations you are required to provide about your site and how to properly submit them.

At least title, description and url are required by all directories.

Web site title

Directories have more or less restrictive rules about what you can or cannot have as your site title. Some allow only your official domain name or company name, others are more liberal.

In any case a good title should never exceed 4-5 words. Using a long list of keywords as title (keyword stuffing), excessive repetitions and inappropriate punctuation must be absolutely avoided.

Web site description

Many sites are rejected due to an inappropriate description. A description is not an advertisement and should never contain superlatives or excessive marketing hype.

Directory listings are usually searchable by words contained both in title and description so the keywords commonly used to find your site should be included in your site description. However always write 2-3 complete sentences that sound natural, do not make your description a long list of keywords.

Web site URL

You would say that people should at least be able to correctly submit their own web site url. If you work as directory editor for a while you will change your mind! It happens quite frequently that a site is rejected simply because of a mistyped url.

Never type your site url directly into the submission form. Test it in your browser, save it in a text file and copy and paste from there.

Each directory can have some other specific rules, so be sure to carefully read the submission guidelines and comply to any special requirement.

It's said that you never get a second chance to make a good first impression: directory editors read the informations you submit before visiting your web site and even before deciding if your web site is worth a visit. Learn to properly write your submissions and you will greatly increase the chances to have your web site accepted.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Swiss Army Knife of Internet Marketing Tools, Part 1

Many people have asked me over the last few years what are the most absolute tools that an internet marketer should have. I actually had to take a step back, think about it and begin to process the tools that I love having from the tools that I would absolutely need to engage in internet marketing.

I have named this article "Swiss Army Knife of Internet Marketing Tools," as I will list out the tools that I would find not only necessary, but mandatory for anyone beginning their quest to start an internet marketing business.

In fact, I would even take it one step further and say that if you dropped me off in any city in the world (well…a city with internet capability…I know…demanding aren't I) that I could have an internet marketing business and products for sale within 5 or so days. (In part II of this series I will tell you exactly what I would do in those 5 days to create this business, with part III of this series being an overview of the Luxury tools that I enjoy that can take any internet marketing business to the next level).

Ok, so let's dive right in with the basics.

First, and most obviously, you would need a domain name for your product or service. This is an essential element, as this is the location that you will store your product or service and the website it sits on. You would need hosting to accompany this domain; however, I generally don't recommend buying your domain from the same company you plan on hosting with.

There are numerous reasons for this, most of them logistical, but let me simply state that it is not in our "best practices" to buy the domain from the same company we plan on hosting with…and generally you can find great prices on domains.

Next, you would need some form of ability to create web pages. Now, this can be done in a variety of ways, obviously depending on an individual's skill level, but in the end you need some way to manipulate HTML code. Front Page by Microsoft is one popular program, with Dreamweaver being a much more robust and feature rich program. Now, bear in mind, both of these programs are going to require the user to have some form of HTML knowledge, so, for the purposes of this article, and the "Swiss Army Knife" approach, I will assume that the average user does not have any HTML capability.

So, in my searches high and low throughout the vast world of the internet, I would definitely recommend a product like the "Motivated Marketing System". This is a system, rather than one simple tool, that enables someone to build an entire site and infrastructure without knowing a stitch of HTML. Written brilliantly, with a huge degree of intuitive programming, this is one tool that needs to be on the "Swiss Army Knife".

Now, while I can think of a myriad of tools that I would like to have at this point to begin promoting my site (Part III will get into those tools), I am going to keep these to a minimum.

Now, that we have the domain, we have a hosting account, we have the site produced, we need to get the site from the computer to the domain by using some form of FTP product. Not being a very technical person myself, it is important to use products and services that do not require me to have a vast degree of technical ability. I have found "Smart FTP" (a free service) to be just that. By simply installing this program on your computer, adding your user name and password one time, you are set to upload anything you want to your new domain.

5 Top Tips On Selecting Web Traffic Services

Good day to all of you. Mike La Penna here and you could say I have learned it all the hard way.

Though I rarely make the same mistake twice ,I usually have to undergo the school of hard knocks when it comes to internet education for dummies.In my search for generating more traffic to my sites, I have discovered some consistencies that the sharp eye needs to look out for in the category of buyer beware.

It is a sad but stark reality, that as much as the night brings out a criminal element,the black void of cyberspace oozes abundantly with hucksters lurking in the shadows that have only one intent;to capitalize on both the ease with which they can do virtual transactions and cash in on one's technological naivete.

Believe me when I tell you I know and it is not always a case of wanting to believe absurd claims or not understanding the realism of whether this technology being offered is viable or not.It is often a sheer matter of having no way of knowing beforehand!

So with that being said-I 'd like to impart these foolhardy five for your strong consideration:

* If they do not provide a phone number,email address and hard physical address -stay away,you want to be able to interview them first in evaluating if your needs will be met.

*Stay far away,in fact RUN if you see claims of the likes of "50,000 visitors for $39".Without fail,you will most likely receive NONE.

*Always ask for "targeted traffic" and scrutinize the service rep on how they will provide it.There is non-targeted traffic that a huge % of these services will bring in which will do you no good and there is ghost traffic which is what it sounds like.You'll see your stats counter spike up but there will be no mustard in that sandwich.Bet on it.

*When possible-if leary-order via Clickbank as they will grant you the best buyer protection of any online merchant service.They will reverse the charges on the spot within 60 days-no questions asked-if you feel you've been dealt a wrong.Plus,their phone number will accompany every single transaction they do on every single credit card statement. Yes,you want to put stock in that as many cyber merchants DO NOT.

*This ties into the previous one.Avoid a service that will collect your money upfront while claiming it will be in excess of 60 days before they can deliver the said results. It can be done much quicker and it is a warning sign as they full well know that you would have no recourse in being refunded due to the time elapsed.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Review of Programs that Submit Your Article

In the past 6 months several articles have been written to offer tools, helps & any advice on the power of writing articles and submitting these to many online ezines. In fact the word ezines is just becoming a known keyword in the web world.

If you have a site and want to generate a buzz ad get traffic you need to submit your article to ezines. In this article I will not go into the best methods of writing these articles and as most of you know by now it is not that easy to write an article and have it approved by these ezine companies. What we do want to accomplish here is the best way to go about submitting your articles.

There are a handful of very well developed ezine sites that if you do write articles you want to submit to. The problem that is most often heard is the time it takes to submit the article to all of these sites. Recently there has been a rush on developers to create programs that will do this for you automatically. There is a positive and a negative to this process.

Lets talk about the Negative first. Here are a list of reasons why you shouldn’t use these programs: 1. These programs are still newly developed and the software developers of these programs may not have tested these fully before handing these out to everyone. 2. There are reports of some programs that do not work at all and cause serious damage to PCs. One such company is called Submita (see below for quote from Submita) 3. Many of the ezines have a bio attached and the way the bio works is different for each site and if you are promoting more then 1 site then you need multiple bios and will need multiple submit programs these typically only handle 1 account which means you need more then 1 computer. 4. Duplicate content is another big issue. If you put submit article in several locations this can count against you.

Quote: In a recent attempt to explain the PC corruption caused by Submita (an article submission software) their response was: “Please note that we have stated clearly on our webpage that we provide you a fully functional free trial with no restrictions so that you can try the software before you buy it. It also states that we have a no refund policy.”

In reply to this: “Please note that your free trial had no functionality it was a program that had no use until you entered in a serial number which must be provided by you and was not. I had to purchase the license so I could at least try out the program to see if it worked or not”

Notice that there was no apology for the corruption the program caused and no attempt to fix the solution. Only response was “Too Bad”

Lets take a look at the positive in using these types of programs: 1. This will save you hours of sitting in front of computer logging in and out each time for each ezine site 2. Though there are some programs that do not even work there are programs that do work. One of them is Instant Article Submitter made by Rod Beckwith and Jeff Alderson and this program has nothing but great reviews and the reputation of Rob & Jeff are nothing but the best. There are other programs and other sites that do work as well if you want more information contact us directly. 3. If submitting multiple articles is an issue then do the submission and take the time to login to each account and assign the bio to it… that is still easier then doing the whole part and hopefully these programs will note this and allow users to have multiple accounts to manage on 1 program. 4. Though the article you are submitting is duplicate it still counts as back links for your site and the better you get your site ranked with back links the better you will in the search engines.

Keep in mind that every time you submit an article you are generating hype about the service or product and creating a reputation on the web as a trusted source.

One last tip is if you have a new product make sure to create a buzz about that product and name and watch as you create a new keyword on the search engines.

10 Easy Steps to a Useable Website

Building a useable website can seem daunting. Here is a quick guideline to help you on your way.

1.It's all about your content

To get your website listed appropriately the content of your website needs to be nested between the tags. This way it gets read by the search engines. Your content also needs to be unique and get your point across.What is it about your product or service that is better and different from your competitions. This is called your usp or unique selling proposition and should be conveyed clearly and immediately upon hitting the page.

2.Make effective use of your title and description tags

These are your two most important tags when it comes to referencing your page content. Meta keywords rarely have any impact what so ever on your pages listings.

3.Make sure content is well formatted

It is very important to break up your content with italics, bold text, bulleted lists, etc. Well formatted content makes your pages more accessible to visitors but the search engines also. Visitors scan across your page rather than read it so it makes sense to format your page so it can be browsed yet still convey your message.

4.Proper code

Having proper progamming in place is quite simply a must. Web standards have changed substantially over the years and it is important to make sure your pages validate both html and css. Think of it this way. How effective could you get your point across if you were talking swahili. Your code is no different. Why make it difficult for the search bots to index your content.

5.Do not use Front Page, Dreamweaver, or any other WYSIWYG editor.

While accurate, MS Front Page, for example, makes it easy for just about anyone to throw up a web page it doesn't take W3C compliancy into account Hence the code it outputs is an absolute train wreck. This is terminal for your website as you need a strong code base (foundation) or your site will never stand up to the competitions.

6.Don't design in Flash

Seemingly technical in nature or "neat" perhaps flash animation only serves to distract visitors from what they came to your site for in the first place, your product or service. Your services are what visitors are interested in not a blinking, noisy, website. Flash also creates major problems with getting it properly indexed. There is no way for the search engines to extract content from your website as it is all contained with in the swf. If you absolutely must have a flash page it is imparitive to offer an html version as well.

7.Easy on the eyes

Graphical elements play a huge role in a website design as well. You need to make sure you don't have any extreme contrasts between colors and that you don't use really bright colors as they are quite hard on the eyes. Your logo or brand should be clearly displayed on the home page and in more than one place.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Web Designing as a Profession

Internet, technology of computer, is a boon to the 21st century. New Technologies, latest software are coming out daily to cop up with the increasing demand of the consumers. Nobody can even think of successful life without the help and assistance of with these technologies. Internet is the largest medium that provides you access to various website and in turn to the profession of web designing. Many people who surfs the internet daily for long hours, donot know the exact hardwork and creativity of Web Designer behind those web pages. Now Let us start with exactly what is web designing.

What is Web Designing?

Web designing is the design of web pages, websites and web applications. It is the complete web page outlay which is visible to the viewer It is a medium used by companies to promote their business and corporate agencies to market several products to the customers. It is simply like fine art, creative art of designer.

Web site is a collection of number of web pages, it is very necessary that there is a direct link between each documents loaded on the web site so that the viewer can have access to all the pages. In other words, we can say web site is a bigger picture of web pages.

The task of Web designer is to combine the graphic, textual and other elements of a site to create an appealing layout. They exhibit their passion for creativity. They love to be provoked with new web site design ideas and designs. Web Designing is the process by which web designer make visitors able to access the web pages at one platform with several images, texts, links, graphics etc.

Web Designing Skills or Documentation:

Web designing is a career in which a professional simply sell his high creative web designing skills. Quality of your design and programming skills determines whether you are a truly professional web designer. Web designing is a skill that cannot be learnt overnight. Your designs and formats should be well organised and well maintained. Content is the main integrients needed in any website that should be well written and easy to understand. A web designer should also create a coherent and consistent "look and feel" for the entire web. Site graphics and images should be according to the theme of website. Symmetry between the pixels and links should be unbroken. Colour combination is another factor that web designer has to keep in mind. Your site should be such that it attracts the visitors with all the relevant information. To become a skilled professional, these qualities need to be advanced and worked over the period of 2-3 years. To be a successful web designer you not only need hard work and perseverance but also a through combination of creativity and new ideas which can appeal to the masses.

Website Layout: To start his work, every web designer must fully understand the requirement of client. He must start his work by keeping in mind those requirements. Heavy animations and images often imposes heavy burden on the site. Such websites consume much time to load and most people quickly lose interest in such websites. The competition is only a couple of clicks away, and if clients become dissatisfied, they can simply go elsewhere.

The World Within Or Online Multiplayer Games In Depth

For most of the 20th century, life used to be rather simple for most people. There was school, college, work, retirement. Along with that you had hobbies like cars, bowling, or gardening. The former was more or a less of a chore, the latter the fun stuff you did in your free time, usually together with local friends from the same neighborhood. This was basically the same as a thousand years ago. For a few lucky people the two areas overlapped and they could do the stuff that they liked as their main job.

Now, in the last 10 years of the 20th century, as well as in the first few years of the 21st, this has been changing rather dramatically. The reason is the rapid technical progress, both in the wide area network and computing power areas. Contemporary hardware can animate very detailed and realistic graphics fluently, and transfer data on the movements and actions of hundreds of objects and characters around the world in milliseconds (although, unfortunately, the speed of light still remains a limiting factor). This has led to an explosion in the availability and quality of online games, with the newest generation like Counter-Strike and World of Warcraft becoming a phenomenon no longer limited to any particular social class, but rather an all-encompassing cultural element in the industrial countries.

There are basically three main types of multiplayer online games.

First person shooters

In first-person shooter games, the basic principle is simple. Shoot or be shot, kill or be killed. Starting with the original Castle of Wolfenstein and Doom, these games have developed to a level of frightening realism mainly for men living out their ancient predatory and fighting instincts (according to some surveys, there are about 10 times as many male as female players in average FPS games). One of the recent milestones in this category, Doom 3 is a game which is psychologically scary even to adult men with the highly detailed and realistic monsters suddenly attacking from dark corners. However, once these games take to the online multiplayer stage, their focus shifts a little. The goal is no longer to scare the pants off the lone player in his dark room, but rather to provide a fun platform for competition between many players of different skill. The most popular online game in this category is still without doubt Counter-Strike - a game which has received much negative fame because of various school shootings done by Counter-Strike players, yet still remains a highly captivating pastime for millions worldwide. It is a fan modification of Half-Life, a Valve game, and a team game in its core: one team is the "terrorists", the other the "counter-terrorists", and the play is round-based: at the start of a round, each team member receives an identical (except for clothing) avatar, picks some weapons, and the the two teams clash in combat until either a bomb is placed or everyone of one team is dead (there are also variations like "capture the flag" etc).

Monday, December 11, 2006

Two Geeks, $1.65 Billion and a Fake Newsman Teach Self-Storage Marketing?

Now, I don't know about you, but I haven't been able to build something and sell it for $1.65 Billion so when two regular guys do something like that, I pay attention.

Here is a link to a short video of the YouTube founders excitedly announcing their new fortune:

Isn't that something?

And today, fake newsman Stephen Colbert of The Colbert Report on Comedy Central was recognized as the 2006 "Media Person of the Year" beating out the likes of long time greats like Rupert Murdoch.

This recognition comes shortly after winning an elite spot in Time Magazine's "100 Most Influential People" list.

If you've never seen The Colbert Report or watched a video on YouTube, this might not be all that interesting to you, but I'm about to drop the significance of this right in your lap, so hang in there…

YouTube is an online video portal that makes its money from advertising. Users can upload videos of whatever they'd like and share it with the world. If you watched the video above, you can clearly see that the two founders don't appear to be exceptionally bright or business savvy. Yet, they've just made a bucket-load of cash.

Stephen Colbert on the other hand is a pretty sharp guy. He does "fake news" by sarcastically reporting on the day's issues in a very egotistical, unique and comical way.

Through his show, he pokes fun of the mainstream media, our government and other pundits that are in our lives while making valid arguments at the same time. He interviews some of the top political figures in our society today and has built influence and an enormous following.

Guys like Rupert Murdoch and other "real" media figures must be in fumes about the fact that they were just beaten by a guy doing their job in a fake, sarcastic way when they follow the rules and have a serious passion for their important work.

Can this be true?

Yes. And, here's the marketing lesson for you to think about…

The YouTube founders and Stephen Colbert have built leverage by sacrificing a quick buck for a bigger play.

YouTube built gold by attracting enormous amounts of traffic to their site by offering high quality, interesting videos on their site without membership or charges. If they would've went to a bank and applied for a loan on this idea, they would've been laughed out of the bankers office by telling them that their service was free of charge.

Just one year ago, Stephen Colbert was "doomed for failure" by many industry experts. Yet today, his show is extremely popular and he is very influential. He does this by giving people what they want first. He knows the influence and money will follow.

The distinction to be made is between strategy and tactics.

VPN Loading Balancing

Virtual Private Networks form a major part of many organisations' network infrastructure. They are often used as a vehicle to serve sensitive information to remote offices and workers. Typically VPN's are created point-to-point making it difficult to add any resilience or more bandwidth. Introducing our products to this infrastructure makes this possible, whether you are implementing new or expanding existing VPN infrastructure.

Drawbacks of existing technology: Single Point of Failure Traditional VPN's both client and site-to-site are based upon a single Internet link. Should this link fail, organisations invariably have no fall-back plan, and simply have to diagnose, report and wait.

Difficult to Scale Should an organisation require more bandwidth to accomadate increasing demand, this is often proves difficult and is some cases impossible. This could mean expensive upgrades, change of ISP and most likely their complete Internet infrastructure.

Restricted Upload Speed of DSL connections SME's generally use DSL to serve their VPN connections. This can cause considerable bottlenecks and can prevent service being offered to clients should demand outgrow the supply. Difficult to Prioritise Critical Data Maintaining a single link increases the chance that bandwidth intensive services can saturate the entire amount of bandwidth and this can lead to loss of data and denial of important transmissions such as E-Mail and Web Services. Introducing a Load Balancing device into the network makes it possible segregate and route traffic based on priority. Furthermore all our Load Balancing products such Quality of Service (QoS) which can be used to limit these intensive applications in order to guarantee the avability to the critical ones.

Traffic Distribution and Failover: Traffic distribution is done "by packet" and so a single data connection can assume all the available bandwidth. This could be a Voice Over IP call over Teleconferencing.

Should any active links fail, data is simply retransmitted down available links with no impact to the client.

Traffic distribution is done "by connection", so protocol's that use multiple connections (such as HTTP) have greater benefit with this method.

On link failure connections related to the failed link will be lost, however most applications will retry the connection, in which case the Load Balancer will route the new connection down an available link

Sunday, December 10, 2006

How adsense changed the internet

Ever since Google came up with the master idea that is AdSense, the web has transformed in a variety of ways no one would have ever suspected. Some of these are good changes others aren't.

This is a small exploration of how a brilliant marketing scheme has taken the web by storm. It deals with the changes advertisers and publishers and even website visitors have undergone ever since AdSense has become a daily part of our on-line lives.

Even before AdSense came out a lot of people were advertising through AdWords. It ensured a lot of publicity through getting your site listed at the top in Google search queries. It took away a lot of the pain and price of SEO and the large amount of time you had to wait until you were finally on top. It made launching a website, a realistic way to instant profitability instead of a long term strategy with no immediate returns.

Through the use of AdSense, the possibility appeared of having your ads appear on just about any site on the Internet that has anything that even resembles your company is all about. And so it's for that reason that AdSense has brought a new sense of advertising to the Internet. Before PPC poorly ranked web pages had to advertise offline to get any real initial exposure.

Companies no longer have to hire expensive professionals to create extremely elaborate advertising campaigns. There are no high costs of running your ads on websites which you have to personally look for.

All you do is come up with a couple of meaningful words for your business, sign up with Google AdWords and let Google take care of the rest of the equation. Although it requires day to day management automation saves significant time for advertisers.

Of course, probably the largest change in the way the Internet works due to AdSense comes from the publishers' point of view. Whereas one would previously have to jump through many hoops to get a website to even support itself now people are making fortunes off their sites. This leads to motivation for content, and resources for web surfers. That generally means site publishers have to worry more about what content lies on their site, and the overall way their pages look rather then be concerned with the economic specifics of maintaining a site’s profitability. Although time is invested in adsense, a large capital investment is not.

It's no surprise that the blogging phenomenon exploded when AdSense came out a few years ago. Anyone could just write a page about a subject he was passionate about and making a living out of it through AdSense. And thirdly, one can't ignore the impact AdSense has had over the casual everyday web surfer. Whereas people used to not even notice banners altogether (which psychologically is a very interesting thing to observe) the situation is completely different for text ads.

People nowadays will take a long look at a sponsored ad. Why? Well because the whole setup brings forth a feeling of confidence about the advertiser. People don't ignore a text ad as easily as they do a graphical banner. Another thing to note is that graphical banners have become even less profitable nowadays. It is because of this that many people are walking away from affiliate type networks to AdSense.

PLR Content - Quality Counts

Keen users of Private Label Rights content are delighted to see more and more PLR sites appearing. The proliferation of such sites has, however, given rise to a new problem - the overall quality of the articles users pay for. Good (and reliable) writers are snapped up fast and given ongoing work. Regrettably, some PLR site owners seem to be only concerned with getting a batch of articles uploaded no matter what the quality.

Competition, as we all know, is a GOOD thing. Quite a number of Private Label Rights member are now making a practice of signing up to check out the quality of what's on offer in a new site. If they like it, they stay. If they don't - they vote with their feet, or more appropriately, with the 'cancel this subscription' option at PayPal.)

=== Your Rights as a PLR Site Subscriber ===

Don't feel that you have to accept the articles you get no matter what the quality. You are entitled to get articles and/or ebooks that have been proofread and edited to correct grammar and spelling. It is the responsibility of the article Private Label Rights site owner to check that the articles are of an acceptable standard (or to hire someone to do this for them).

PLR users expect to have to tweak and change an article to create unique website content. They should not, however, have to edit every article. We all expect an error to creep in here and there - but an entire batch of articles written by someone whose language is quite obviously NOT English is not acceptable. Nobody wants to have to copy-edit every one of 20 articles before turning them into an e-book!

=== What You Can Do If You Are Not Satisfied With the Quality of PLR Content ===

The first and most obvious option is to cancel your subscription. However, you would be doing everyone a favor if you took the time to contact the site owner to explain why you are not happy. Copy and paste a few examples from the articles to demonstrate the errors.

In the past, PLR site owners have sent back batches of articles to be corrected and/or rewritten when they are not satisfied with the job. In extreme cases, they cut their losses and just hire a new writer. Any PLR site owner who wants to build a profitable and well-regarded business will be interested in working with you on this - they don't want to lose customers!

If you can't get any satisfaction, move on. Sample the content of several sites. Ask for recommendations from friends or other publishers before you sign up. (Look for more than one satisfied customer - never forget that some reviews are there solely to get you to sign up via the reviewer's affiliate link.)

=== Find a Site to Satisfy Your Personal Needs ===

Different sites offer different things. Some sites offer articles and completed e-books, sales letters, and well-produced graphics. Others provide only articles and a few bonus products.

If you are a competent graphic designer and know your way around programs like Photoshop, graphics may not be important to you. (Indeed, you may prefer to create your own graphics so your site looks different to everyone else's.) Some sites offer 'extras' like web hosting and autoresponders, plus ready-made AdSense sites. If you are just starting out, you may like these all-in-one solutions.