Friday, September 08, 2006

Private Practice Building and Marketing: How to Become a Product Machine

"Come on Jeff, you talk about me creating multiple products like I can do it, when I haven't even created one!"

I hear this all the time when working with our members at It's much like what Richard Bach, author of Illusions, has said about limitations:

"Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they are yours to keep."

I really like to help people get past, and even burst through their limitations.

3 Important Principles to Keep in Mind

1. If you have an area of expertise, if you are an expert in something, then you can create products. All that a product is, simply, is your expertise in a sell-able form.

2. When you create and market your products, you turn the typical work model upside down. The typical work model is work once get paid, work once get paid, etc. The work model I learned from Tom Antion, my internet marketing and speaking mentor, is work once, get paid, paid, paid, paid, paid, paid.

3. When you create one product, keep this one work in mind - leverage. When you learn to leverage a product, you learn that one product can be several products. For example, when you write an e-book, -that e-book can also be a off-line book or booklet, an audio CD, a tele-seminar, part of a home study course, etc.