Wednesday, September 06, 2006

5 Ways To "Force" Your list To Open Your Emails

Actually, I have already revealed a hint in the “summary” section of this article. Did you get it?

Number 1 – Get your list to look forward to your mails

How do you achieve that? Firstly, you should start off by giving good solid content/information that your list would be happy to receive. Stick to doing this and you will never fail! In addition to that, add a “teaser” that will get them looking forward to your next mail. An example: “In the next issue, I will be revealing the single top most error made by email marketers and why you are still committing it! Do away with this and you can expect to at least have a 50% increase in response”

Number 2 – Craft a killer subject line

This should be the part you spend most time mulling over simply because it is that important to your whole email marketing efforts! No matter how good your email copy is, it won’t get read unless you have a good headline. One of the many tricks I can reveal is the “curiosity factor”. Humans are innately curious and just by piquing their curiosity you can create an “itch” in them – they would have no choice but to open your mails. An example: “I saw you the other day…”, “Did you mention something like that?”, “This is your own. I am giving it to you now”

Number 3 – Be consistent

If you are consistent your list will know what to expect and would easily recognize your mail. Whether it’s the “from” field or the way you write your messages, they recognize you and will eventually grow familiar to you.

Number 4 – Keep your list happy!

It may sound simple but it is harder then it seems! Keep asking them what they want and, as far as possible, give it to them. Pamper them, make they feel good. This way, when you actually send a promotional email, they will be more responsive to it because you have already gained their trust.