Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Server Firewalls

Servers are probably the most vital part of each and every network; thus, the server itself needs to be protected very well from possible external or internal attacks. There are many server firewalls available on the market, and each one provides it’s very own features and security levels.

All server firewalls are deigned to protect the server; some of those firewalls do an excellent job while some of them simply aren’t good enough. What remains is the fact that servers are the first components that need to be secured inside a network.

In order to achieve high-security levels, servers should be equipped with sophisticated firewall systems that utilize both software and hardware technologies. A software-only firewall is simply not enough to fulfill the needs of a server. This is not something to be ignored. If the security of the server is compromised, then there are many severe consequences for the whole network.

In the best case, the server will be compromised but the intruders will not have enough time to do all they want to; if the administrators of the server are lucky, they will notice the intrusion early enough, and they will most likely take down the server until they resolve the problem. Of course, this means that the services that the server provides will not be available until the hole is fixed.

In the worst case scenario, important information will be stolen from the server; automatically, the clients of this server will also become vulnerable. Personal or financial information can be stolen from both the server and the client if the security is not tight enough.

Considering the above scenario, it’s not hard to understand how vital a firewall system is to a server. In order for a secure environment to be provided to the clients, the fundamental blocks of the service have to be secure.