Friday, August 18, 2006

Learn the Secrets Guru's Use to Create Low Cost Products

So, after much research, you have figured out what niche market you want to target with your home based business. Now, you aren't sure what product you want to sell. The truth is, the answer is easier to arrive at, and much less expensive to implement than you would imagine. Let's learn the secrets gurus use when creating a product.

In case you are wracking your brain trying to figure this out, relax. In fact, you probably have already guessed it. It's the dreaded ebook! The moaning and groaning is beginning now, but ebooks really aren't that bad! Ebooks have been around for years, but most people in your niche likely will have had only limited experience with them.

Why ebooks? They continue to be cool, and are viewed as cutting edge. They also are easy to create, inexpensive, can be developed quickly, and can be bought while you sleep. It doesn't get much better than that!

Now, the real secret to ebooks is . . . . Drum roll please! DON'T CREATE THEM! Now, if you are a professional writer or just love to write, then this article isn't for you. The rest of you, hang in here! The truth is there are much easier ways to create an ebook than trying to do it yourself. They are:

1. Have someone else do it for you or,

2. Legally steal someone else's book.

There are sites where you can post your projects, and where freelance writers can take a look, and make bids on your projects.

Tips to remember when you go to post your projects include the following:

1. Give as much detail as possible so that freelance writers know exactly what you want. Some writers will be so eager for your project that they will write up a sample chapter based on your information just to get your business. Make sure you also ask the bidder to sign a non-disclosure agreement. This information can be found on the site. You always must register, as well. Buyers can register for free.

2. Always ask bidders for writing examples; otherwise, who knows what fluff you might end up with!

3. Don't ever pay anyone until you have completely reviewed the final product.

With these tips in mind, now on to the second way to create an inexpensive ebook. If you remember, the second secret given was to legally steal someone else's book. How can this be done? The secret is using public domain materials. Anything published before 1923 in the United States is considered public domain. This means that no one owns the copyright of the material, and therefore, anybody can use it.

It gets even better than this. Some books published between 1923 and 1963 may be public domain material if the copyright was not renewed by the 28th year. To be on the safe side, it always advisable to consult a copyright attorney before publishing any work you might find. That said, there are membership sites on the web that have done all the work for you! You just pay a small monthly fee and get lots of great public domain material.

After you get your original book, you will want to have it scanned in digital format. When looking for a company to do this for you, keep these important points in mind:

1. Make sure they do not destroy the original book. The book needs to be returned to you.

2. The company needs to do more than just scan the book. The work has to be editable so you can add your own introduction.

3. There needs to be a week's turn around.

4. Work is kept confidential.

5. The fees are not unreasonable. Examples of approximate prices are:

1-100 pages-$100 101-300 pages-$150 301-500 pages-$200 501+Pages-$250

Now you know the secrets the gurus use to create low cost products for their niche markets. Your home based business can now explode!