Xsitepro Versus SBI, which one is right for you?
If you are considering starting out online, you will quickly become overwhelmed with the choices available to you, and two popular options will most likely surface.
Xsitepro and Site Build It.
It seems everybody has their own opinion, and only they are right. SBI’ers as the Site Build It fans are called (and call themselves) are very, very passionate, and I think this is due to the “internal” focus they have.
Everything is in one place for them and they stick together. Nothing wrong with that.I have nothing against the SBI club, they get good results and have a real community.
I will declare from the outset,I don’t own Site Build It even though I gave it consideration, and I will outline why in just a moment.I respect you need to make your own decision on what is right for you.
I have outlined some of the important facts to consider based on my own opinion and the topics I have seen raised in other places, all of which helped me make my decision.
SiteBuild It – A summary.
Site Build It (SBI) is an excellent product and has very good results for many users. Many of the sites rank well in Alexa. Ken Evoy (the founder) is a pioneer of the internet marketing revolution and produces some of the best and most sensible information available. His MYSS2002 (make your site sell 2002) was extremely well-priced and crammed full of excellent content.
He teaches the vital marketing method of C>T>P>M, Content, Traffic, Pre-sell then Monetize. This is golden information and worth following on your website.
Site Build It is a total package.
SBI includes (among other things) domain name, hosting, website interface (online), link exchange facility, research tools, “point and click” sales letters and forum support all for an annual fee (currently $299).
SBI will suit someone who wants everything in one place.Site Build It would suit a total beginner who has no wish or intention to learn each discipline beyond a standard level, therefore, whilst many Site Build It websites achieve high traffic and rankings based on the “content is king” mantra it does have limitations for the entrepreneur.
Many site build it webmasters focus on selling site build it to others in a multi level marketing kind of fanaticism.
If you intend to create more than one website and have maximum scope for flexibility you need to consider several important factors before you make a choice.
What is your level of skill and likelihood of improving your competency level?
Xsitepro will allow you to do more in the long term if you plan to develop your internet technical skills because you can start off using WYSIWYG then incorporate HTML and CSS disciplines later.
SBI is more about making websites that sell (particularly a service) and less about making websites.
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