Friday, November 24, 2006

The Power of Google Search and Advertising

In January of 1996 two Stanford University PH. D students started a research project that would eventually be known to almost everyone in the world as the best way to find information on almost anything. Larry Page and Sergey Brin are now two of the most successful men in the world for obvious reasons.

So how did the ‘Google Empire’ become such a valuable asset to so many people? They started with a simple thought. Create a tool that analyzes the importance of a web page by the number of links pointing to it. This in turn will provide anyone with important pages on whatever subject they are researching. This tool proved to be extremely valuable and grew extraordinarily fast.

Now the search algorithm that Google uses is far more complex than just looking at the number of links pointing to ones site. There are many SEO experts who claim they know Googles secret but if you ask any Internet Marketing expert they will tell you that this is not possible. You may be thinking, how did these guys create the revenue needed to cause this tool to grow so fast?

Google is not only a SE it is an advertising monster. When you do a search for just about any topic you will see ‘sponsored links’ at the top of the results and to the right. Advertisers who pay google for every person that clicks on their ads create these links. These ads are also placed on webmasters pages for their viewers to click on. This advertising system is one of the most popular modern day techniques used by advertisers and is called ‘Adwords’.

You may be wondering why a Webmaster would want another webmasters ads on their site? Someone creates a website with valuable information on it strictly to provide that information to anyone who wants to read it but why not make some money as well. This system is called ‘Adsense’ and it is making webmasters thousands and even millions of dollars. The Webmaster signs up for an ‘Adsense’ account, chooses their ad format and posts a simple code onto their site. This code displays different ads every time the page is refreshed and every time someone clicks on the ‘Adwords’ ads, the Webmaster gets a cut of Googles revenue.

This is a very simple explanation of how the ‘Google Empire’ became so great. I am sure you have used this tool in the past but wondered how exactly they did it. I hope this article cleared up any confusion and helped you appreciate the genius behind this amazing company.