Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Making Extra Money At Home - Top 5 Tips

Have you always wanted to be known by your friends and the guy or lady that is making extra money at home? Do you want to create a lasting extra income from your home with only part time work? There are many ways that you can be making extra money at home on the internet.

Tip #1 – Pick an affiliate program and follow all their advice

Affiliate programs have been making people money on the internet ever since the internet became available to the public. Affiliate programs are basically referral services. You refer people to a website and when they purchase a product you are paid a commission. There is a lot of money that can be made with affiliate programs.

Tip #2 – Don’t give up and don’t expect to get rich overnight

This is the biggest mistake that most online entrepreneurs make. You can try program after program and marketing method after marketing method, but if you quit too soon or give up on your program too soon you will never make any money online. You have to pick an affiliate program or a few affiliate programs and stick with then. It does you no good to quit and start over.

Tip #3 – Build your affiliate program with free marketing methods

There is no reason to pay for marketing if you are trying to make extra money. Plus why would you want to start your new venture in the hole? Use free marketing methods until you build up a little bit of money. Then, invest that money in some paid marketing methods.

Tip #4 – Pick Affiliate Programs that allow you to either recruit or make residual income

Why would you want to recruit or make residual income? Simple if you can recruit people to sell products for you, then you can create an income that never stops. The same with a residual income it will continue to come in without any extra work. This is how so many affiliate marketers are becoming rich

Tip #5 – Don’t be afraid to work and work hard

I have one simple philosophy about affiliate marketing. Simply this, you must be willing to put in the hours to build your marketing methods or you will fail. Also, if you have a great marketing idea, why wait, start right now.

There you have it folks. Those are my 5 tips to making extra money at home. Sure you could do other things like clean houses or stuff envelopes, but I prefer affiliate marketing. It is much easier and much more rewarding.