Friday, November 17, 2006

Internet Business and Businesses Online - How I Use Article Marketing To Build My Business

Internet Business and Businesses Online – How I Use Article Marketing To Build My Business

I will tell you upfront that I operate a niche web site in the internet marketing arena. Because I use a niched approach, I believe my tactics would work well in just about any niche market where there is some widespread interest.

I think it is personally interesting that so many people think that the internet marketing niches are burnt out, that there are too many people in them. I have seen some things in the last few months that lead me to believe that is not that case.

So how do I use article marketing to build my online business?

1) I write articles that are geared to buyers of my web site niche. You see, I couldn’t care less how many visitors I get. I just want buyers. So I try to write to buyers, not lookers or just surfers. I want to give quality information in my articles that will lead people to want more from me. That way when the click through to my website, they are already qualified buyers.

2) I currently only use one article directory for all my article submissions. I have done extensive testing and have found that like 95% of all my traffic came from that one site, when I used to post to around 100 different article directories. Another note on that: testing is critical to everything you do. If you are not testing, you are missing out on profit opportunities, for sure. You just have to test.

3) I write my articles aggressively. The only reason I write is to get people to click through and be prequalified to like me when they get there. That’s it. Forget about trying to please everyone – I don’t care who closes this article without clicking, I only care that the ones that click through genuinely like me and want more information.

By the way, just a note on the internet marketing niches – when you specialize, you eliminate the tire kickers. Let me explain – if you are marketing to the general public about starting an internet business, you get everyone who is just getting started and only like 5% of them ever make any money. And if they are not making money online, most of them are not going to continue to spend it. Sure, they will buy the first course or two, but I am looking for the long-term customer. The person who gets on one of my specialized niche lists, they probably already have an online business and are actively spending money to promote their business. I am going after a piece of that pie, rather than trying to create new believers in internet marketing.