The Top Ten Things No One Told You About Having Your Own Website
Like many things on this earth, having a website sounds great on paper, but what you don't consider are some of the most important aspects of having the site. These are my top ten in no particular order.
1) Having a website means absolutely nothing without traffic. That is without visitors. Without visitors a website is like a piece of paper you jotted a note on and forgot about. What's that piece of paper worth to you?
2) Getting traffic is not an easy thing to do. Don't let anyone tell you that it's easy or quick to get traffic. Unless you're willing to spend a lot of money, getting traffic quickly is not going to happen.
3) Once you start to get a little traffic, expect to get inundated with unwanted emails like you were some porn addict putting your email address into any box that pops up on the screen in the hopes of getting a quick 'peek'.
4) If you pay someone else to do your site, and you need changes it's going to cost you a lot of money. (And by the way, you will want to make changes).
5) Making money on the internet is not easy! It can be simple, but not easy. I've seen a lot of crap out there that makes it seem as if making money on the internet is as easy as brushing your teeth, but this is not the case.
6) To have a decent site, it's going to get changed more than a teenager with a two hundred and fifty dollar gift certificate to the Gap, especially in the beginning.
7) Everyone says that you MUST have a newsletter. But without significant traffic, it doesn't matter, because no one will sign up for it any way. You can of course buy a list of names to email your precious newsletter to, but this will cost you a decent amount of money, just like everything else.
8) Search engine Optimization is not everything everyone makes it out to be. Many times it's made out to be the be all and end all. But you must pay attention to where all the hype is coming from. Normally it's coming from someone trying to sell you SEO services. Just paying someone fifty bucks a month for these services is not going to bring you five hundred dollars worth of business a month.
9) Very few people mention article writing as a means of promoting your website, but it's a good one. And in most cases it's free. That's probably why it's not mentioned a lot, because some dorky tech guy's not going to make a buck off of it. But, no matter what you hear, article writing is a good thing.
10) Just keep at it and trust your instincts. There are many people on the internet trying to squeeze money out of you, especially if it's a subject that your unfamiliar with nso just trust your instincts. They will rarely steer you in the wrong direction.
Those are my top ten things that no one told me about having a website. Hopefully they can help you save some time, money, and heartache.
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