Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Thinking of Setting Up Your Own Online Business? Think Again!

Internet business is a growing trend now, many companies are diversifying their offline business, creating a new channel through the Internet. You may think why? There are many factors such as bigger market, lower cost and effectiveness.

Let me share with you a story:

I have always wanted to set up my own online store but I dumped my plan and venture into affiliate programs. You ask why? My reasons are simple and straight forward, I don’t have the capital. Well, I did say that the cost for going into online business is lower as compare to offline business but consider that you need to create your own product, build and maintain your own e-commerce store, logistics, payment, sales copy, paper work etc. It’s going to cost you some money and time to get everything up and running.

I took all these factors into consideration and decided that affiliate programs was the best online business for me to start with.

What is an affiliate program?

Affiliate program is like a joint venture with a partner which is also known as the affiliate company. Most of the times the affiliate company will provide you with all the tools you need to promote their product. All you need to do is to drive traffic to your website. You will get to keep as much as 50% of the sales made and great thing about it is you can instantly start earning money once you join an affiliate company.

Why affiliate programs?

It’s virtually hassle free! All you need to do is to market the product. Most affiliate company will have everything up and ready for you to start. Their products are ready to be marketed, website setup for you, sales copy written for you, payment procedure done for you and even the customer service will be handle by your affiliate company. The only thing that you need to do is to market their product online.

If you are looking to venture online but do not know where to start, affiliate program might be the best way that you can start with. I started my online business with affiliate program and all I have to do is to concentrate on drive traffic to my website and leave the rest to the affiliate company.