Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Are You Worried That Your Internet Marketing Business Will Not Work And Fail?

I’ve got a great quote for you, probably made by a gambler: “Do your worrying before you place your bet, NOT after the wheel starts turning.”

I thought that this was a great quote. Especially for you and I as netrepreneurs! We are the brave ones that decide to venture off to the horizon in search for a lifestyle that is uncommon and do not depend on anyone else (bosses) to sign our paychecks! Unfortunately, most people who do “start” haven’t really committed themselves to it!

When you decide to start on a project do you go through with it regardless of obstacles, or do you break down in frustration and quit? The problem is, most people who “decide” to building their internet business does all the worrying after they’ve decided - and that causes a great deal of stress in their lives and doubt in their choices.

This clouds their minds of the bad things that will happen with their decision, makes them unsure of themselves and they will usually waste their time in useless activity that doesn’t contribute to their internet business.

For me I fear failure, but I’m getting MUCH better strengthening my faith! In the past, when I wanted to commit myself to an internet business, I was afraid of failing. Actually I was afraid of my friends and family’s criticism IF I failed. So I gave my weak unfocused attempts to make it work. I tried to work my business ONLY after I had my TV time and fun time. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way.

I was just giving myself an excuse, an easy escape, that if I failed I was not an incompetent person - so that nobody will criticize me. If I failed, it was because I didn’t put much effort into my internet business and it wasn’t totally my fault. And I can tell that lame excuse to everyone who was watching me.

I was constantly in a state of fear and worry, but then I finally had enough of going nowhere with my business and said to myself, “FORGET IT! I’m either going to do this or quit!” And that’s the point in life when everything changed for me. I decided to eliminate the worry because I’ve already committed myself. No longer did I fear (or care about) other people’s criticism

Why should I care what other people think when I know the rich possibilities of internet marketing? Besides most of the people I know are working for wages - so what do they know about opportunity?

Now I am free from most of my self doubts and worry. I am free to truly commit myself to my internet business and to my own future. As the great Yoda from Star Wars said, “Do or don’t do, there is no try!”

So get all the facts and think hard before you start your internet business, but as soon as you’ve placed your bet with your internet business, eliminate that worrisome thought of “if this is the right thing to do,” act out on faith, and embrace your internet business as part of your bright future!