Sunday, October 22, 2006

How to Distinguish between Solid and Vulnerable E-Mail Services

With the support of so many new, state-of-the-art IT technologies that have become available over the last few years, the email services of today are extremely varied and account for a multitude of features such as fast message delivery (promptitude of service), improved accessibility, recall email options and user-friendly interface. Email services that include such facilities are nowadays extremely popular both among home users and a wide range of businesses in search of easy, fast and affordable means of communication. However, what many categories of users still don’t realize is that not all email services that account for the previously mentioned features are also 100 percent reliable nor can guarantee for message privacy and other crucial Internet security issues. High-quality data protection solutions and guaranteed privacy respecting policies are by far the most important features you should check for when choosing an email service-offering company.

Although the Internet is undoubtedly the quickest and the simplest means of communication of today, it may not always be the safest too. It is important to note that although certain existing (particularly free) email services offer great accessibility and competitive GUI – graphical user interface features, they may actually be weak in areas such as account security and message privacy. In order to ensure that you will also benefit from advanced email security options apart from the regular features, it is crucial to only stick with solid, dependable email services powered and managed by IT professionals with great experience in data security.

Without competitive data protection features, the regular email is an extremely fragile and vulnerable data transport mechanism and an inappropriate tool for users who want to transmit personal, confidential information over the Internet. Only a secure email that respects the latest email privacy policies can guarantee users that their sent or received messages are managed in a completely safe environment.

Home users and organization members who want to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of their information transmitted via email should either opt for popular, reputed free email services (respect a series of standard safety regulations) or paid email services (include reliable, high-quality data protection features in the regular package in exchange for a periodical fee). In order to ensure that the data you send or receive via email is properly protected, you can opt for secure email services with a safety net. These types of email services are solid and dependable, guaranteeing users integrity, safety and confidentiality for the messages they send or receive online.

Once you have found a company that provides competitive secure email services, you should also check if its offer includes a series of effective accessibility options. Apart from email privacy, high-quality email services should include features such as recall email (offers users the possibility to recall – delete or edit – unopened emails; this option is very useful in the event of a misaddressed email message), notification that your email message has arrived safely, notification when your message is being read by the recipient, possibility to attach large files to each email message and fast message delivery, to name only a few. Remember to choose carefully among the multitude of email services out there and make sure that the email services of your choice corroborate convenience with advanced data security measures.