Saturday, September 30, 2006

The E-Course and the Autoresponder

Autoresponders are used as a means of promptly connecting with anyone that responds to your site. This is done at the very basic level by placing an autoresponder on all email received. However, this principle also applies to all sales made from your website.

One unique approach to the utilization of autoresponders is the virtually hands-free approach to providing an educational series of articles about your product or an e-course about your service or the concepts behind your success.

The web is full of information and your customers may be interested in participating in an opt-in informational series that can be distributed through autoresponders.

From the customer’s perspective you are offering a free e-course on the best use of your product, the best ways to maximize a service or ways to use that product or service as a means of a revenue stream. They sign up for the e-course and an autoresponder takes over from there. No matter when a visitors signs up for something managed by autoresponders they begin receiving the first issue of the course and will continue receiving them on a regular basis until they are finished. The autoresponder keeps track of who has already received material and who needs to receive additional portions of the series.

For the online marketer the hard work has already been taken care of by producing a well-crafted series that is educational, helpful and subtly leads the recipient to consider the very product or service you provide. While the information is free it is, in some ways, a personal invitation to accept an educational sales pitch.

The beauty of an e-course is that you truly are able to consider the needs of your clients and potential customers. By doing so the customer is encouraged to extend trust in your products or services.

Each article in your e-course should provide a tagline that tells what the reader can expect in the next issue. This is generally done as a mild sales pitch for the next article. If you can mix a precise description of the next chapter in the e-course with a bit of mystery many of your opt-in visitors will be checking their inbox to find out more.

The more time your customer spends being a part of an autoresponder e-course the greater the likelihood that they will eventually purchase from your online firm.