Exciting And Creative Tips For Marketing Your Website
You have no idea that there is an army of people out there who are interested in creatively marketing their own website. Do some sleuthing!
Take your time and look at the names of those who post comments that you feel you may be interested in. Record their names! Take some informative notes! Analyze their statements.
When you feel that the time is right, think about how you will approach them. It is a given that these people are interested mainly in, “what’s in it for me.”
That shouldn’t be a problem for you. What is your motive for approaching them in the first place?
Be sure you know what it is that you want. Don’t waste their time. Time wasting always works against you. Later on down the line that is.
Show your creative side and for heavens sake remember, money doesn’t always have to change hands. Offer them access to something valuable that you may have. How do you know they will be interested in what you have… didn’t you do your homework?
Clearly, you too can also send out creative messages on blogs. Making inviting and informative comments that will focus on the area you are particularly interested in.
Please don’t forget to include a signature file. One that will obviously point back to your website. This will have a positive two-fold impact:
1. It will improve your search engine rankings.
2. It will also drive a whole lot of traffic to your site.
Pay close attention to this next option. You should seriously consideration creatively designing a website that has a “total self-marketing concept.”
By “total self-marketing concept” I simply mean a website that is mainly built and designed around a marketing theme.
For instance, a prominent type of “total self-marketing concept” in websites is the use of forums. They are easy to build, but you should be creative in the conception stage.
An important piece of advice, don’t be too stiff in the design stage, let loose, and have some fun building the website. And the people who come aboard will have fun too.
In addition, how about a social network type of website, or even search engine optimization. Talk with people, do some networking first. Don’t just rush out of the blocks with only your thoughts on the project. Allow some time for this project to marinate.
Another great idea would be to be a part of a gigantic “group giveaway”. Obviously it would be a “themed” event. We don’t want to be giving the shop away willy-nilly.
No…there has to be a method to the madness.
Here you would contact others in your particular niche and stage a “pooling” of resources. You must be certain that there is some benefit to all who chose to participate.
There are several holidays coming up throughout the year. Focus your “pooling” around the holidays. I am 100% sure that your customers would very much appreciate the giveaways.
This final idea I really love. I find it exciting, and exhilarating. If I had the time and the money, I would focus on this alone, just for the enjoyment.
Market your business using pay-per-click advertising.
Earlier on I said that I love to do this. I am forced to admit though; I am no good at it. That doesn’t mean that I can’t love it.
Pay-per-click can be very effective for targeted, low cost traffic. Guess what? Its very quick too. You should try it, if you are anything like me, you’ll love it too.
First, open an account with Google Adwords. Then test out some advertisements for as little as one-cent-per-click and see how you do. You must creep before you walk. Ease yourself along, don’t give the shop away.
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