Monday, July 24, 2006

Online Small Business Marketing Websites Have Seen Better Days

Perhaps you have noticed that many small-business online marketing web sites seem to be pretty much the same. They have flashing lights, bold faced fonts and lots of pop up gimmicks to get you to buy something or to fill out a form and receive something by e-mail. What I see is so many online pretenders all doing the same thing and it is pathetic really. The same old sales tricks both online and during first contacts.

There are too many non-personal auto responders, assumptions and garbage. It is a real turn off to smarter business people. Are all these sales marketing folks going after and targeting all the stupid people, the largest percentage of the market, rather than the best possible clientele?

If so, and I believe this to be the case then in reality there must be one heck of a lot of room at the top for the REAL PROFESSIONAL and knowledgeable marketing consultants. There are way too many wannabes out there. And you know what in my day, we literally ate them for lunch. You know at some point the BS has to walk and all these sales tricky tactics need to be seen for what they are.