Friday, July 07, 2006

Internet Marketing Secrets From The Grave

One of my favorite quotes is the one that says "the graveyard is full of good ideas." Maybe that's not the exact quote, but the idea is 100% true.

Every day of the year people with brilliant ideas and breakthroughs go to their graves without ever having developed, marketed or shared those ideas with the world.

There are many reasons for this -- fear, inexperience, ignorance and, worst of all, procrastination.

Maybe they thought they had to get investors lined up, lines of credit from banks and surround themselves with various "experts" before getting started.

And yet, nothing could be further from the truth.

Nobody starts with a million dollar Internet marketing business. They start small. They start with what they have -- even if it's in the garage or basement with an old rotary phone and a computer that is 10 years old.

Most people I know making money online started out with a little ebook or newsletters.

From there, when they get their feet wet and see what works and what doesn't, then they lead into more expensive products and services -- sometimes even full fledged seminars that sell for $5,000, $3,000, $10,000, $15,000. What’s the difference in these products?

The difference is in the value. Money moves in direct proportion to value.

So don't worry about if you only have a five page report or ebook to start with. Just do what you can and build from there.

Build the value, build the content and build your experience from there and you will be fine.