Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Biggest Mistake Internet Marketers Make!

Everywhere you look and nearly every e-mail you open everyone seems to be making a killing?

But what about you, have you made it or are you like the other 95% chasing the next big thing? You know the drill by now you open your mail box and your e-mails some of which are usually made up of the following message….. “Buy this product, it's fantastic your life is going to be changed for ever blah, blah get your copy now!” and you think “WOW” that sounds fantastic you get your credit card out and you go and buy it and start to use it and then you find out later that it was the big thing last year and now it doesn’t produce the results and you’re back at square and probably $100 out of pocket. At this stage you’re probably cursing yourself for falling for it and parting with your cash and you’ll never do it again.


The next day comes and you’re back reading your e-mails and you see the same type of e-mail again except it's for something new that that does this, and that, and you really should get it today, your life is going to be amazing, I’ll build your business for you etc, etc, etc.

I’m sure you know what I mean. It’s a good job they haven’t invented smell-a-vision yet because your mailbox would sure smell bad with the amount of “crap” sitting in it.

So what do you do? Do yourself a favor now and stop everything!! Go to your inbox and do a mass delete. Don’t even read them, if it’s such a great opportunity it will surely come your way again. There are that many opportunities on the internet you’ll never be short of finding one, that right one for you that is,… and not because someone else says it’s the right thing for you.