Monday, December 18, 2006

The Importance of Web Development

Lots of people have surfed the Web and asked themselves how they could get involved with online business. How can you access all that potential, when you do not even know what to do to begin? The Internet is a fantastic way of giving out data and it is possible for you to use a portion of the web and make it your own. Hopefully, this article might be useful with your search to learn more concerning web development..Web development integrates all areas of making a Web site for the World Wide Web. This includes many differnt areas: Web design (XHTML, graphic design, CSS, semantics and usability), content management, programming, server administration, marketing, testing and deployment.. The term can also specifically be used to refer to the "back end", that is, programming and server administration. Many pieces of the development puzzle are supervised by different individuals specializing in their own department..Haven't we all seen those crudely designed websites and immediately lost interest? The visibility of the content is extremely important. It should be put together in a way that will encourage visitors to interact with the content. It would be a mistake to develop complex websites without a detailed plan for the whole process. Taking some useful hints from software quality aspects can apply to the development of sites as well. They are described in terms of development for web sites:
Reliability:Do faults allow for the process to keep on running? Is the website reliable?
Robustness: Does the website respond to incorrect input?
Performance: Is the page efficient in processing requests and inputs? How quickly does it respond to the user's actions?
Usability: Is the website easy to navigate and understand?
Maintainability: Can new functionality be added? Is the website easy to change?
Portability: What type of software does the website require? Does this limit the number of possible users?
Understandability: Do you understand the website you've developed? It is important to keep these things in mind as you develop different sites, so you can create pages that people will want to visit. How to choose the way to host your website is half of the problem, the other half is to create a website that people would like to to visit and come back to. Producing a great design will help you get the most out of your websites. Good web development is crucial.