Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Myspace Comments Their Role In Making Myspace Popular

Myspace has been a success beyond every imagination. Nobody had imagined that a networking website could become so populatr amongst teenagers and break many records on the Internet. iend has the option of keeping or deleting the comment. All the users can view these comments andMyspace comments have played a big role in this popularity. Let us find out how.

Myspace comments- what are they?

On myspace a user can contact friends and send messages in different ways. Most of these features are common with other networking websites. But comments are different. For making a comment on your friend's page, you go to his page and add a comment. Your fr that has made them such a big success. Teenagers like to show their comments to everyone. They want people to come and read what ever has been said about them.

Myspace comments- how they use human psychology?

Myspace comments make use of the biggest human desire- recognition. These teenagers want to be recognized. The comments made by their friends give them that much needed recognition. No other social networking website made use of this except myspace. Today myspace can boast of millions of users and most of the teenagers are on it. Indeed a great success has a formula. Myspace comments are part of that success formula.