Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Importance of Goal Setting in Internet Marketing

In internet marketing it is so easy to get caught up in what everyone is offering and waste so much of your precious time reading what other people have on offer. This in itself is not a bad thing but if you consider that you probably should have been doing something else and now it is too late and that job will have to wait until tomorrow.

I believe the way to be successful online is to have a set of daily, weekly and monthly goals if you place these goals on a list where you can see them you are more likely to stick to them to achieve them. Everyone wants to achieve their goals so sit down and work out what your goals are. Is one of them to increase traffic to your website, is another to post articles to your blog, is one to make $5,000 in sales in one week. Whatever your goals are you need to write them down and then you need to write down what you need to do to achieve them and start on a daily routine. You must start your days doing what is on your to do list so that you will achieve your goals. If you then have spare time you can do whatever you want but always ensure you are doing what is needed to reach your goal.

Just remember reaching your goal is your priority. Goals will change thru time and when they do just re adjust your to do list to ensure you can achieve your goal. Do not set yourself goals that are unachievable as that is counter productive you need to achieve your goals as you are working so that you feel yourself progressing. It is such a fantastic feeling when you achieve your goals. If you don’t set yourself goals you can often find yourself wasting time and actually not getting anywhere fast and we all want to get somewhere fast don’t we.

So sit down and write yourself a list of goals and then write yourself a list on what you need to do to achieve these goals. It would be a good idea if you could also set yourself a time frame of which to achieve your goal. I have set myself several goals and one is to write and post a minimum of one article a day and to build my opt-in list by the end of the year to 10,000 subscribers.