Sunday, June 25, 2006

3 Reasons You Need a Mailing List

If you have been around internet marketing for very long you have undoubtedly heard the phrase, "The money is in the list." But there is a big difference between knowing this and knowing why the money is in your list. Here are 3 eye-opening reasons that you need a mailing list, and you need to start today!

#1: To really succeed online, you should create your own products to sell and/or giveaway. These products in themselves can be a great way to build your lists if you create them right. If you create them wrong, however, you may never know how many subscribers you missed out on.

If you have your own ezine or mailing list built when you get done creating a new product, you immediately have a targeted audience to sell it to. As long as you keep your products themed the same as your ezine you will always have a pool of potential buyers that you can access immediately for no cost.

#2: If you don't have any products of your own and don't plan on creating any products yourself, building a mailing list is the only other way to make it on the internet. By having a large number of targeted prospects that trust you and like you, you have tremendous power.

All you need to do is find some great affiliate programs to join and promote. Be sure to use and review the products before you recommend them! You don't want to destroy your reputation and integrity by recommending bad products just to earn a couple bucks.

There are many marketers who make a great income just by promoting other people's products. However, if you do this part AND create your own products you will be even better off.

#3: The third reason to have your own mailing list may not seem the most important or profitable, but it will make a huge difference in your online future if you do it right. Having your own mailing list gives you the opportunity to prove your credibility to your subscribers. Doing this creates a snowball effect in which eventually the whole world of internet marketing will know your name and trust your recommendations.

If you don't think this would help you, think about all the top marketers you have heard of. Now, would you buy something based on their recommendation? I have bought products based on this fact alone! It is extremely powerful to have name recognition and trust. In the long term, the amount of success you have will be determined by the amount of people who know that you’re a professional and respect you. So start small, with your own mailing list.

These three reasons are just a fraction of what you can learn in the new ebook Max List Profits. Everything is laid out in an easy plan to build a list that will make you the kind of money you're looking for.